Written by: |
Christy Marx |
Story by: |
Gavin Blair Ian Pearson |
Phil Mitchell
Transcribed by: Kim McFarland
[The story opens in outer space. The camera
travels into the rings of a Saturnlike planet. The rings are made of
asteroids. Then it fades to an asteroid field in which a circular, glass-domed
spaceship is flying. Inside are three aliens. Two look like young Enzo and
AndrAIa with the heads of "Mars Attacks" Martians. The third has a brain and
eyes floating in its domelike helmet, and its suit is colored red and yellow.
Their movements are quick and jerky, and when they speak they only say one
syllable over and over; their dialogue is in the subtitles.]
- AndrAIa:
- At at!
- Subtitle: Looks like we've got a better class user this time.
- Enzo:
- At at!
- Subtitle: A little too good!
- [Lasers shoot past their saucer's dome. They look over. There is an
explosion on the asteroid behind them. Their ship zips away. A ship not unlike
the Space Shuttle comes around the asteroid, shooting yellow laser beams. It
flies past the camera and through the field, chasing the saucer and blasting
asteroids out of its way. AndrAIa is seen close-up, with a fish swimming in
her helmet.]
- AndrAIa:
- At at!
- Subtitle: He's on our six, I can't shake him!
- [AndrAIa works with the controls in front of herself, then bonks Frisket's
helmet. The shuttle chases the flying saucer, shooting at it but only blasting
more rocks.]
- Enzo:
- At at!
- Subtitle: Stay frosty AndrAIa, I'm on him!
- [The saucer zooms around an asteroid. A laser projector emerges from the
underside and zaps at the shuttle. As the saucer flies inro an asteroid
crater, the two ships zap at each other.
- AndrAIa:
- At at!
- Subtitle: Finish him off!
- Enzo:
- At at!
- Subtitle: Fine are we staying or going?
- AndrAIa:
- At at!
- Subtitle: Staying, change icons.
- [AndrAIa taps her belt icon. It changes from AI game sprite mode to the
regular black-and-white diamond. Enzo does the same to his own, then Frisket's
- Frisket:
- At at!
- Subtitle: Woof woof!
- [Close-up of Enzo's nasty Martian skull-like face. One eye is "normal,"
the other a gold sphere.]
- Enzo:
- At at!
- Subtitle: O.K. User, Game Over!
- [The golden eye rotates, bringing a stylized M to the front. The shuttle
is seen through a gunsight type view. When it is in the center its outlines
show in green and an M appears in the center of the crosshairs. The saucer
shoots a few times. One shot, then another hits the shuttle. Trailing flame,
it smashes against an asteroid.]
- System Voice:
- Game over.
- [The game cube rises into a stormy, ocher colored sky. Frisket sniffs the
ground of a damaged-looking area, then looks to the side and growls. Several
binomes peering around a wrecked vehicle duck out of sight. Matrix's boots
step into frame.]
- Matrix:
- Don't worry, boy. [pats Frisket] I see them.
- [The camera pulls back, revealing Enzo and AndrAIa as young adults
standing in the ruins of a system.]
- Matrix:
- This isn't Mainframe. It never is.
- [The camera pans around, showing the remains of buildings above them.]
- AndrAIa:
- Thank the Net! [looking around] This is the most devastated system we've
ever come across!
- [A trembling binome looks out from behind a box. Then other look out from
various hiding places and stare fearfully at Matrix and AndrAIa. AndrAIa
crouches and holds out a hand.]
- AndrAIa:
- It's all right. You can come out.
- [Some binomes, still looking worried, walk forward. They gather in a small
knot and speak among themselves.]
- Binomes:
- [various individuals speaking] The cube! They came from the cube! Nobody
ever comes from the cubes! They must be a User.
- [All of the binomes look nervously at Matrix and AndrAIa. Matrix shrugs
and half-smiles at AndrAIa. She winks back. One of the binomes, a young One
wearing an eyeglass, turns toward them.]
- Jeff:
- [nervously] Ah... are you a [clears throat] good User or a bad User?
- AndrAIa:
- [laughing softly, then standing up] Why, we're not Users at all. We're
Sprites. I'm AndrAIa.
- [The binomes sigh with relief.]
- AndrAIa:
- [continuing] And this is Enzo.
- Matrix:
- Matrix. Call me Matrix.
- [A binome, stepping backward uneasily, treads on the bulb of a bicycle
horn. It honks. Matrix looks over, then shoots the horn out from under the
binome's foot. The binome topples over backward in a faint. The group of
binomes scatter and hide behind boxes and other debris.]
- AndrAIa:
- [putting a hand on Matrix's shoulder] Y'know, you really have to work on
your social skills.
- Matrix:
- They'll get over it. [He holds Gun near his hip. It attaches itself to his
leg.] I'm going to see what repairs I can make to the system.
- AndrAIa:
- Good idea. I'll take Frisket and find their Command Dot Com. Maybe he can
explain what happened here.
- Matrix:
- [to Frisket] Don't eat anyone.
- [Matrix walks off. Frisket growls, and the binomes looking out a crack in
the wall duck out of sight.]
- AndrAIa:
- Don't pay any attention to Matrix. He and Frisket are just a pair of
pussycats - once you get to know them.
- [Frisket stops growling and looks at AndrAIa.]
- [Matrix walks through null-infested ruins. He looks at Glitch, then at his
surroundings, then back at Glitch.]
- Matrix:
- Glitch, system scan. [He watches the readings in Glitch's wheel.] Just
what I thought. Multiple tears. [Glitch beeps. Matrix looks at the wheel,
surprised.] Wait! What's this?
- [A red blip shows on the green lines in Glitch's wheel.]
- Matrix:
- A Virus!
- [Matrix takes off runnin'.]
- [The camera circles the system's Principle Office, a spiky, rectilinear
building with a cube suspended diagonally over it. Cut to AndrAIa and Frisket
walking out of a dark hallway into a lit area. She looks around. It is the
remains of the Principle Office's command room, complete with the balcony area
and map table. As with the exterior of the building, this room and its
furnishings are rectilinear. An aged, white-bearded One is sitting on the end
of a mechanical arm above the map table. The arm swings over to bring him
close to AndrAIa.]
- Wise One:
- Velcome, Velcome! They call me Wise One. The One I understand, the Wise
I'm not to sure about. Still, I'm all that's left of the command system.
- AndrAIa:
- [walking down the steps] I'm AndrAIa. And this is Frisket.
- [Frisket, who has just bounded down the steps, barks once. Binomes peer
around the edges of another hallway. AndrAIa walks up to Wise One's seat. He
lowers it to her eye level, operating it with a control on the arm like that
of an electric wheelchair.]
- Wise One:
- And your other friend? Vhere's he?
- AndrAIa:
- Matrix? Knowing him, knee deep in trouble.
- [A giant purple mantislike creature screeches and lunges forward, missing
a young Sprite who looks like he is made out of burnished gold. The mantis
rears back up. The Sprite picks up a stone.]
- Bakkup:
- Back off, Virus! This is your last chance! I'm warnin' you!
- [He throws the stone, hitting the Virus on the face. It pauses, then stabs
down with one forearm at the ground right in front of where Bakkup was just
standing. Bakkup jumps back. The other forerarm embeds itself in the ground,
and again Bakkup jumps back to avoid the blow. Bakkup falls down. The Virus
rears up. A blue shot is fired right in front of its neck from above. Another
two shots hit its left forearm. The mantis looks at its arm as it begins to
glow, then screams in pain as its arm brightens, then disappears. On high a
ledge of the wreckage Matrix stands , with Gun drawn. He jumps down, landing
on the Virus's thorax and forcing it to the ground. He puts Gun to its head.]
- Mantis:
- What?! A Guardian?!
- Matrix:
- There's no Guardian here. I'm Matrix, a renegade.
- Mantis:
- Please, renegade, mercy!
- Matrix:
- Mercy? To a Virus? Never.
- [Maytix's gold eye rotates to gunsight mode and glows red. He shoots, the
light illuminating his face. He jumps off the Virus. As the blue glow spreads
from its head and down its body to its limbs it rears up and thrashes. When it
falls to the ground it dissolves into blue smoke.]
- Bakkup:
- You know, that wasn't necessary. I had him right where I wanted 'im.
- Matrix:
- [sarcastically] Sure. You had complete control of the situation. [He
releases Gun, which reattaches itself to his leg.] I didn't think there were
any Sprites left.
- Bakkup:
- [blustering] Hey, I've been on my own for seconds. I don't need anybody.
- Matrix:
- [as he turns and walks away] Then I guess you don't need me either.
- [Bakkup looks at Matrix, surprised.]
- [The camera approaches the Principle Office, from a low angle this time.]
- Wise One:
- [voiceover] So, how is it that you come from the cubes?
- [Cut to the command room. AndrAIa is sitting on the steps with a bunch of
binomes. Frisket is lying on the ground at her feet.]
- AndrAIa:
- You mean the games.
- Wise One:
- Games, cubes, whatever.
- AndrAIa:
- Oh, we don't come from the games. [looking at the binomes around herself]
We only use them as a way to travel. Matrix and I come from another system. A
place called Mainframe. When we were small Sprites we were trapped in a game.
To survive, we become part of the game.
- [In a close-up shot of her belt, AndrAIa taps her icon twice. It changes
back into a triangle-framed AI icon. The binomes exclaim in surprise. She
double-clicks it again, and it changes back into the black and white
circle-and-diamond formation.]
- AndrAIa:
- Now we're just trying to find our way back to Mainframe.
- Wise One:
- [shaking his headblock] Lost and far away. How sad.
- AndrAIa:
- Mainframe is Matrix's home. My place... is with him. [She smiles.]
- Wise One:
- Just as our place is here. [shrugging] It's not much, but it's all ve
- [He looks over when Matrix speaks.]
- Matrix:
- [walking toward them] You won't have anything if you keep losing games.
- [AndrAIa stands.]
- AndrAIa:
- [whispering] just how bad is this system?
- Matrix:
- [softly] Real bad. I patched it up the best I could, but one more lost
game... and they've had it.
- [Matrix and AndrAIa look up. The camera goes up to the orange sky which is
visible through a hole in the roof. Dissolve to the top of the Principle
Office, seen from outside. Lightning strikes one of the spikes on the
- [It is a dark and stormy day outside the Principle Office entrance. Matrix
and AndrAIa are standing on one side of a small pile of objects, Wise One and
a small group of binomes on the other. In the pile are some boxes and a Nerd
(Nerf) Gun.]
- Wise One:
- Here. Take these goods. I vant you to have them as payment to stay as our
- AndrAIa:
- It's a gracious offer, but we have to find our own home. Perhaps we can
stay long enough to train others.
- [The binomes look at each other and mutter nervously. One whistles,
another coughs.] Wise One looks at Matrix and AndrAIa worriedly.]
- Matrix:
- If they don't volunteer, why should we?! When the next game comes we're
outta here! This system's offline.
- [Matrix walks into the Principle Office. Frisket follows him. Wise One
looks at AndrAIa helplessly.]
- [Matrix is inside the Control Room, spinning his yoyo. Frisket is lying at
his feet. Frisket looks up when AndrAIa walks down the stairs next to Matrix.]
- Matrix:
- So, how many did we get?
- AndrAIa:
- Four.
- Matrix:
- Only four? Thought I'd get at least a dozen.
- AndrAIa:
- Matrix, you're just not that good an actor.
- Matrix:
- Oh? How 'bout that time I convinced over two dozen to join?
- AndrAIa:
- [rolling her eyes] I knew you'd bring that up. Come on, they're waiting
outside for you. [She walks off.]
- Matrix:
- Let's see them.
- [Wipe to Matrix walking in front of the binomes. As the camera is on their
level, all we see of Matrix are his legs. The binomes he walks in front of are
a nerdy-looking one with an eyeglass; a tough-looking red construction worker
Zero holding a sledgehammer; a female One with a ratty dress, blonde hair, and
a big blue eye; and a grinning One in a running costume. He stops in front of
the runner.]
- Matrix:
- This is the best this system has to offer?
- [Matrix looks at AndrAIa. She shrugs.]
- Barry:
- [speaking quickly and enthusiastically and jogging in place] The best and
the fastest! Hah, I'm Barry, and I can lap this system before you can process
a word!
- [Barry gets into a running position. He makes a little squeaking noise as
he twitches his leg.]
- Barry:
- Want to see me do it again?
- Matrix:
- [waving him back] Save it.
- [Matrix walks down the line and stands in front of the female One.]
- Gabby:
- [waving her book and broom as she speaks] Hi, I'm Gabby, and I'm a writer,
and I want to chronologue the adventures of the greatest warrior this system
has ever seen.
- Matrix:
- [leaning forward] I don't want anybody writin' about me.
- Gabby:
- Not you, her!
- [Gabby points at AndrAIa with her book. Then she waves with her broom.
AndrAIa waves back with her fingers. Gabby steps back as Matrix goes to stand
in front of the Zero.]
- Hardboot:
- [stepping forward] Hardboot. My name says it all.
- [Matrix taps him back into line with his boot. Then he sidesteps to look
at the final binome.]
- Jeff:
- [nervously] Um, hi, I'm, uh, Jeff. We met earlier. And I'm not sure why
I'm here.
- Matrix:
- Well, if you're not sure, why're you wasting my time?
- Jeff:
- [desperately] I - I - I wanna help!
- Matrix:
- Step back. You'll get your chance.
- [The camera pulls back to show Bakkup watching them from above. Matrix
puts his arms behind his back and begins pacing in front of the binomes.]
- Matrix:
- Now that I know you, you should know me. I don't like losing. In the world
of games, losing isn't an option.
- [He looks down on the binomes Lightning flashes. The binomes look up.]
- System Voice:
- Warning: incoming game. Warning: incoming game.
- [Matrix looks around, smiling. A hole opens in the sky right overhead.
Jeff, Gabby, Hardboot, and Barry walk over to stand with Matrix and AndrAIa,
and face the other binomes.]
- Wise One:
- Good luck! And don't vorry. Who cares if you six are the only things that
stand between us and total destruction.
- [Bakkup is running toward the group.]
- Bakkup:
- Matrix!
- [Matrix watches, surprised, as Bakkup's point of view approaches him.
Bakkup tries to tackle him much like Enzo used to tackle Bob - but instead he
ricochets off Matrix's chest and falls to the ground. Bakkup, sitting on the
ground, scratches his head.]
- Bakkup:
- Make that seven!
- Matrix:
- [exasperated] Magnificent.
- [Matrix looks up. the cube touches down, engulfing part of the Principle
- [Inside the cube, they are now in a wood under a starry sky.]
- Matrix:
- So what're you doing here? I thought you didn't need anybody.
- Bakkup:
- Well I don't! But I figured you could use some help.
- Matrix:
- Well, stay outta my way. Games aren't for small Sprites.
- AndrAIa:
- Where have I heard that one before?
- [Matrix takes Glitch from his belt and looks at the wheel.]
- Matrix:
- Glitch, stats!
- [Glitch beeps. The camera spirals outward from the group, showing the
swampy, misty cypress swamp around them.] We're in "Cron the Destroyer." Goal,
stop the User from stealing the gold tooth of Sysop. It's in that castle in
the Tower of Despair.
- [Dramatic musical sting. Hawks cry out as they circle the castle, which is
up on a pillar of land and backlit by the moon. Bakkup and the binomes look
around nervously.]
- AndrAIa:
- [whispering] Enzo, they're scared! I think it's time for the team speech.
- Matrix:
- [softly] Yeah, why not? It's worked before. [He turns to the group.] All
right, listen up! For better or worse you're a team now, so I think it's time
you get some team names. Barry!
- Barry:
- Yeah boss!
- Matrix:
- You're Overdrive.
- [Barry grins, pleased.]
- Matrix:
- Gabby!
- Gabby:
- Sir!
- Matrix:
- You're Tweek.
- [She begins tapping in her notebook. Bakkup looks at Matrix and poses
- Matrix:
- And don't write it down. Hardboot!
- Hardboot:
- Sir!
- Matrix:
- Your code name is, well... Hardboot.
- [Matrix shrugs and looks at AndrAIa. She shrugs and rolls her eyes with a
- Hardboot:
- See, I told you my name said it all.
- Matrix:
- Jeff!
- Jeff:
- Yessir!
- Matrix:
- You're now Tak-Tik.
- Bakkup:
- Hey! What about me?
- Matrix:
- Quiet, kid! You're really starting to get my back up.
- Bakkup:
- Bakkup... hey, cool!
- [Matrix shakes his head, exasperated.]
- Tweek:
- You know, things have to get a lot more exciting if you expect me to write
a book about you.
- AndrAIa:
- Don't worry, things will get interesting soon enough. All right, team,
it's time to reboot!
- Bakkup:
- Beetroot? What's Beetroot?
- AndrAIa:
- That's reboot. It lets you download useful tools, skills, and
weapons from the game into your own code. Watch. [She double-clicks her icon.]
- [Green light comes down on her, putting her into a Xena-like costume.]
- Matrix:
- [double-clicking his icon] Reboot!
- [The green light transforms Matrix into a Conan-like warrior in body paint
and a kilt. Matrix crouches down and clicks Frisket's icon. He becomes a
black-and-tan Doberman. The camera pans across the binomes as each, in turn,
clicks his or her icon and says the magic word.]
- Hardboot:
- Reboot!
- Overdrive:
- Reboot!
- Bakkup:
- Reboot!
- Tweek:
- Reboot!
- Tak-Tik:
- Reboot!
- [The camera pulls back, revealing the group in their new costumes. Hardoot
is a warrior with armor and a mace. Overdrive has a vaguely Indian-ish getup.
Tweek looks like Gabby from "Xena." Tak-Tik wears a wizard's costume, blue
with silver stars and moons, and a star shaped eyeglass. Bakkup has a Scottish
- [Wipe to the group walking down a path toward the Tower of Despair. Bakkup
is lagging behind. When a hawk cries out he cringes and looks around, then
shrugs. He turns back around and looks as if he is about to say something.
Then a big black bird swoops down on him. Cut to the rest of the group on the
path. Tak-Tik turns back and sees a feather drift to the ground. He walks
back, picks the feather up, and examines it. Hardboot stops and turns around.]
- Hardboot:
- Will you hurry up? This's the last place I wanna get lost!
- Tak-Tik:
- [putting the feather in his bag] Well, ya never know what we might need.
- Hardboot:
- [sarcastically] Great. We meet the User, you can tickle him to deletion.
- [Tak-Tik looks down, discouraged. When he hears a wolf howl he looks up,
alarmed, then hurries to the group.]
- [Wipe to Overdrive holding some tall grass aside to look through. Tweek is
right behind him. He looks around, then smiles. Seen over his shoulder, a
flatboat is moored to the swamp's shore. He walks toward the boat. Tweek
starts forward, then takes out her notebook and begins speaking as she types.
Matrix, AndrAIa, Frisket, Hardboot, and Tak-Tik walk by her.]
- Tweek:
- Stealthily our heroes creep through the ominous swamp, unaware of the
dangers that lurk in wait for them.
- [AndrAIa turns to glare down at Tweek. Tweek looks at Matrix, who is also
glaring at her, and shrugs. Overdrive examines the boat's chain, then with a
grunt jumps into the boat. He touches the ring on the boat that the chain is
attached to.]
- Overdrive:
- I think I got these chains figgered out.
- [Overdrive begins chopping at the chains with his hand axe, creating
bright sparks with each blow. In the swamp, the back of a creature swimming
through the water can be seen.]
- AndrAIa:
- Wait here!
- [AndrAIa dives into the water. Overdrive pauses and looks at her.]
- Overdrive:
- I can get us across in no time!
- [Overdrive begins chopping faster. Behind him, something rises out of the
water, growling. The rest of the binomes scream. Tak-Tik jumps away, into the
tall grass. Matrix poses with his sword. Overdrive doesn't notice the
- Overdrive:
- Guys, what's'a matter? Somethin'-
- [He turns around and screams when he sees the huge and very ugly monster
above himself. It roars, opening its mouth wide.]
- [The game cube is still down, covering a chunk of the Principle Office.
Wise One is sitting on the pile of goods with other binomes.]
- Wise One:
- Normally I'm a very patient number, but I can't stand all this vaiting!
- Binome 1:
- [tapping Wise One on the shoulder] Wise One, what will happen to us if
they fail?
- Wise One:
- Oh, the eternal deletion, the end of all things, the cut that can never be
undone. But don't vorry. Things'll be fine, I'm sure of it.
- [Wise one looks down. The other binome is not reassured. The camera pans
to the game cube. Fade in on the swamp creature, which is roaring. Overdrive
is holding up his hatchet and screaming. AndrAIa climbs on its back and stabs
four long nails into its head. It rears back and tries to shake her off
briefly, then stops and becomes docile. Overdrive sighs with relief.]
- AndrAIa:
- Climb on! It'll be the fastest way across.
- [Overdrive, Tak-Tik, Gabby, Hardboot, and Frisket jump onto the creature's
- Matrix:
- Where's Bakkup?
- Tak-Tik:
- He was right behind us!
- Matrix:
- [shaking his head] I'd better find him. Go ahead, we'll catch up.
- AndrAIa:
- [to Matrix] Please keep your temper. It's his first game.
- Matrix:
- Yeah. And I have to make sure it's not his last.
- [Matrix walks away, and the swamp creature swims off toward the Castle of
- [Wipe to the interior of the castle. The camera pans around a room which
is lit by bright light shining up through floor grates.]
- Bakkup:
- Hey! Hello! Guys!
- [The camera jerks back, then dives down to a broken grate. Bakkup is
hanging from it by his hands.]
- Bakkup:
- Um, how 'bout a little help over here?
- [He tries to pull himself up. Part of the grate breaks off in his hand and
falls into the bright light below.]
- Bakkup:
- I said, HELP!
- [He looks up, then rises out of frame. Matrix lifts the grate, and Bakkup,
with one hand. He brings Bakkup to face level and glowers at him.]
- Bakkup:
- Thanks! That was pixelacious!
- [Matrix looks up, annoyed. Bakkup releases the grate and lands on the
- Matrix:
- Yeah, Real alphanumeric.
- [Matrix tosses the broken grate away, then walks off.]
- Bakkup:
- [thoughtfully] Alphanumeric. Yeah! Cool!
- [Bakkup looks around, sees that Matrix is leaving, waggles his eyebrows,
and runs after him.]
- [The swamp creature swims away through the misty swamp. AndrAIa, Frisket,
and the binomes are standing in front of the closed drawbridge of the Castle
of Despair.]
- Tweek:
- [narrating] The dark Castle of Despair looms over our brooding heroine.
what amazing feat will she do next?
- AndrAIa:
- Don't worry about me. What you should do is put down your
file folder and stop looking to me for answers.
- [Tweek hides her notebook behind her back, embarrassed.]
- AndrAIa:
- Remember, Matrix and I are leaving with this game. You have to win
on your own. You're this system's only hope.
- [The binomes look up at her, then down again, none too confident.]
- [Outside the cube, lightning strikes a building. It glows, then collapses.
The game cube is right behind it.]
- Binome 1:
- The system, it's crashing!
- Wise One:
- Everyone! Inside! You'll be safe there!
- [The binomes rush into the Principle Office. Wise One walks slowly and
wearily, leaning on his cane. He looks back and speaks.]
- Wise One:
- Why haven't they won yet? What could be happening?
- [He hurries into the Principle Office. The door lowers behind him.]
- [Hardboot looks over what looks like a stone wall.]
- Hardboot:
- We'll never get across this.
- [The camera pulls back to show the group standing on the ledge the
drawbridge would connect to if it were down. Hardboot is looking down over its
edge. The cylindrical building in front of them is sculpted so that it looks
like a giant hand is holding one side. Between the building and the group is a
moat with no visible bottom.]
- Tak-Tik:
- [feeling around in his bag] Don't give up. There must be something in here
we can use. [He takes out the feather and looks at it.]
- Hardboot:
- Real useful, Tak-Tik.
- Tak-Tik:
- If only I could fly.
- [Sparkling, the feather rises out of Tak-Tik's hand and circles him. A
pair of wings appears on Tak-Tik's back. He flies up into the air, then to the
thumb of the hand on the tower. The wings disappear. He grabs the thumbnail,
which tilts down, and the drawbridge lowers. It stops before flattening
AndrAIa and Hardboot, who hold their hands up protectively instead of stepping
back out of its way. Tak-Tik looks down. Overdrive and Tweek raise Hardboot,
who grabs the edge of the drawbridge. Then, tugging on his feet, they pull it
down. Tak-Tik slides down one of the chains and lands on top of Overdrive.]
- AndrAIa:
- Nice job! Looks like your teamwork is starting to pay off.
- Tak-Tik:
- Shouldn't we wait for Matrix and Bakkup?
- AndrAIa:
- [firmly] You have a game to win. Don't worry, they'll be fine.
- [They walk across the drawbridge. The tower doors open for them.]
- [A gargoyle snarls and feints with its claws at Bakkup, who hits at it
inexpertly with a sword.]
- Bakkup:
- Matrix! How'm I doin'?
- [Matrix leans back so he can see around the corner]
- Matrix:
- You're doin' fine, kid! Now keep fighting! I'll be with ya in a nano!
- [Matrix leans forward again and goes back to the gargoyle he is fighting.
The gargoyle hits his sword, blocking a swing. Matrix spins and blocks a kick
with his sword. The gargoyle leaps, tumbling, over him, then kicks him in the
back and flies down the corridor. Matrix lands and turns toward the gargoyle.
It turns in the room at the end of the hall and flies back down the corridor
at Matrix, arms spread for the attack. Matrix leaps at it, sword forward. The
two clash in midair. Matrix lands, kneeling. The gargoyle's body, now as
inflexible as a statue, lands in the hall. Its head lands afterward. The glow
in its eyes fades away. Bakkup, standing over a downed gargoyle whose eyes are
still glowing, pants.]
- Bakkup:
- Matrix!
- Matrix:
- Come on, kid. Let's get to the next level.
- [Matrix walks off. Bakkup pauses to look at the decapitated gargoyle.]
- Bakkup:
- Alphanumeric!
- [AndrAIa and the binomes open the a door from a darkened passageway into a
lit room. The camera zooms in on a statue on the other end of the room, facing
the door. It is a demonic looking creature with a long protruding tongue and
one gold tooth.]
- Tak-Tik:
- There it is!
- [Hardboot walks toward the statue. AndrAIa steps toward him, one hand
- AndrAIa:
- Wait!
- [Hardboot steps on a tile which sinks slightly. The statue's mouth closes,
hiding the golden tooth.]
- Overdrive:
- Great! Now whadda we do?
- Tak-Tik:
- Tweek, take Hardboot 'n' use your staff and use it to pry the mouth open!
- [Hardboot lifts Tweek up to the statue's face.]
- Tweek:
- I can't believe we made it this far without meeting the User!
- [Tweek wedges her staff between the statue's jaws and pulls down. The
statue's mouth snaps open. Then the doors slam open, revealing an armored
- User:
- By Cron, I want the tooth!
- [The camera swings over to Bakkup. Behind him, Matrix is stepping out of a
secret passageway. The passage closes behind Matrix.]
- Bakkup:
- You can't handle the tooth! [He looks back at Matrix, who nods.] Let's
take him!
- [Bakkup rushes to the attack. Matrix starts forward, but AndrAIa stops him
with her hands on his shoulders.]
- AndrAIa:
- Don't! They have to win this one on their own.
- [Matrix looks over to where the battle will be.]
- Tak-Tik:
- Overdrive, use the skulls to slow'm down!
- [Overdrive begins grabbing skulls out of a handy rack and throwing them
rapid-fire. They strike the User, who falls. Tweek and Hardboot pull down on
the statue's tongue. The end breaks off.]
- Bakkup:
- Watch out! He's gettin' back up!
- [The User sits up from the pile of skulls under which he was buried. Tweek
gets a good grip on the broken part of the tongue, lifts it, swings it around
once with a yell, and tosses it at the User. It hits him in the head, making
him wobble and fall back again.]
- Matrix:
- [resting his sword on his shoulder] Now that's what I call a tongue
- [Tak-Tik, Overdrive, Tweek, and Hardboot are standing in front of and
around the statue.]
- Tak-Tik:
- [gesturing at the statue] Bakkup, will you do the honor?
- Bakkup:
- [eagerly] Will I?!
- [Bakkup walks forward. Matrix and AndrAIa smile and nod to each other,
then start walking away. Bakkup, his hands on the tooth, turns back to speak
to them.]
- Bakkup:
- Hey, Matrix? Where're you goin'?
- [AndrAIa double-clicks her icon, changing it to Game Sprite mode. As he
speaks, Matrix clicks his icon too.]
- Matrix:
- This is your family now. I'm goin' to find mine. [He kneels and
double-clicks Frisket's icon.] This game might be my only chance to get home.
- [Bakkup looks down sadly.]
- Matrix:
- Hey, Bakkup!
- [Bakkup looks back.]
- Matrix:
- Catch.
- [Matrix tosses his yoyo underhand to Bakkup. Bakkup catches it and looks
at it.]
- Bakkup:
- Alphanumeric! Thanks!
- [Matrix winks his artificial eye. Bakkup breaks the tooth off from the
- System Voice:
- Game over.
- [Matrix and AndrAIa walk away.]
- AndrAIa:
- Did that kid remind you of anybody?
- Matrix:
- Not particularly.
- AndrAIa:
- Didn't think so.
- [AndrAIa takes his arm. As they walk past the camera viewpoint, the game
scenery turns into the staticky purple of a game cube.]
- AndrAIa:
- Have I told you lately how wonderful you are?
- [They disappear into the purple.]
- Matrix:
- Not lately.
- [The cube rises back into the ocher colored sky, and the hold closes with
a flash of light. Bakkup, Barry, Jeff, Hardboot, and Gabby, wearing satisfied
expressions, watch it rise. Bakkup throws the yoyo once. Other binomes begin
cheering. A small One binome caricature of Enzo, version 0.1, walks up to
Bakkup and makes enthusiastic motions with its hands. Wise One walks out of
the Principle Office entrance with a rolled-up piece of paper under one arm.
Other binomes come out after him.]
- Wise One:
- Good luck on your journey back home! And.... thank you.
- [The paper is thrown to the ground, where it reveals a complicated diagram
labeled "SYSTEM REPAIR PLANS." The binomes stand around it, still cheering.
The camera pulls back, then swings away from them and up to the cityscape. The
sky turns blue.]
Directed by |
Ezekiel Norton |
Starring the Voices of |
Sharon Alexander Ian James Corlett Paul Dobson Cathy
Weseluck |
Michael Donovan Ellen Kennedy Scott McNeil |
Casting by BLT Productions Ltd. |
Voice Director |
Michael Donovan |
Story Editor |
Dan DiDio |
Executive Production Design Consultant |
Brendan McCarthy |
Production Design |
Mike Jackson |
Production Design Consultant |
Ian Gibson |
Design Supervisor |
Gavin Blair |
Associate Producer |
Elizabeth Embling |
Production Manager |
B. F. Painter |
YTV Executive |
Laurinda Shaver |
Animation Coordinator |
Nina Bowkett |
Supervising Animator |
Eric Reynolds |
Senior Animators |
Scott Baltjes Ken Steel |
Computer Animators |
Mashi Akiyama Isabel Auphan Anne Davis-Chan Eric
Murray Jim Nagy Jeff Poole Jeff Scott Eric Torin |
Ali Kojori Casey Kwan Allen Lecorre
Troy Brooks Shona Galbraith Paul Lee |
Modeling Director |
Frank Belina |
Modellers |
Herrick Chiu Slava Chorny Michael Faulkner Mike Ferraro
Alberto Garcia Gideon Hay Mike Towes |
Murray McCaron Doug MacCay Jeremy Miller Leslie
Oldham Rick Scarpitti Rak Tafarodi |
On-Line Editors |
Dermot Shane Anne Hoerber |
Off-Line Editor |
William Lau |
Vice-President Technical Operations |
Kelly Daniels |
Chief Engineer |
Greg Story |
Systems Engineers
Terry Bates Larry Bodnar Russ Ptolomey |
Vice-President Software Development |
Chris Welman |
Software Development |
Tim Belsher Troy Brooks David Fracchia Rick Glumac Adam
Wood-Gaines |
Albert Ho Tony Pele Phil Peterson David Wong
Software Technical Support |
Denise Pierre Eric Torin |
Video Production Supervisor |
Jim Corbett |
Video Production Technician |
Jean Ireland |
Video Disk Operators |
Sylvain Blais Amy Wilding |
Corporate Controller |
Giuliana Bertuzzi, CMA |
Production Accountant |
Jim Pratt |
Director of Communications |
Mairi Welman |
Executive Assistants |
Adria Budd Colleen Heenan |
Alliance Executive |
Beth Stevenson |
Production Assistants |
Tyler Haider William Lee Christian Varin |
Donna Maxwell Marco Tremblay |
Music composed by |
Robert Buckley |
Sound Effects Supervisor |
Marcel Duperreault |
Sound Effects Editor |
Jason Fredrickson |
Dialogue Editor |
Kirk Furniss |
Dialogue recorded at |
Pinewood Sound Buzzy's Recording |
Foley, Re-recording & Final Mix at |
Post Modern Sound |
Video Post Production |
Mainframe Entertainment Inc. |
Vice President of Production |
Glenn Griffiths |
Vice President of Operations |
Phil Mitchell |
Director of Operations |
Gavin Blair |
Produced in association with YTV Canada Inc. |
Recorded in Stereo Surround |
© 1997 Reboot III Productions Ltd. All rights
Reserved |
A Mainframe/Alliance Production |
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