Life's a Glitch

Written by:

Ian Pearson   Gavin Blair

Transcribed by: Kim McFarland

[Establishing shot of the Principle Office. We hear a null squealing.]
[voiceover] How's he doing, Phong?

Music Composed by
Bob Buckley

Follow the bouncing ballPhong:
[voiceover] I have given him simple devices to communicate with.
[voiceover] He seems happy enough.
[Fade in on Phong watching Nibbles, who is in a tank. The null is batting a red-and-white striped ball around the tank.]

Directed by
Steve Ball

[Putting a hand on the tank] Dad, Dad, can you hear me?
[going to a control panel] I'm afraid that since Hexadecimal left us, Welman has reverted to his original Nibbles persona. But there is some good news.
[Phong taps on the control panel. A VidWindow showing two rotating wireframes - a green one of Welman and a red one of Nibbles - opens beside him. He turns to face it. As he speaks, the Nibbles wireframe moves below Welman's, and binary code appears beside the two wireframes in corresponding colors.]
As you know, Welman's presence in Mainframe confirms something we had long suspected.
[As Dot speaks, the two sets of code move to overlay each other and turn white. The words "100% MATCH" appear over the middle of the screen.]
That a null retains the code of the Sprite it used to be.
[As Phong speaks, a VidWindow opens up in front of him showing a cylindrical device with a pointy top.]
The tech boys have come up with a portable device to sample and download game codes.
That means we can build up a library of games, then use the code on nulls right here in the lab!
[He turns back to the console and taps at it. The Nibbles wireframe turns into a red-colored duplicate of Welman's.]
[continuing] We may be able to recompile the nullified Sprites.
That's great, Phong. [She kneels and looks at Nibbles again.] But how do we restore Dad? He wasn't nullified by a game.
A solution to that problem still escapes me, my child.

[Seen through the widow from the outside, AndrAIa, Enzo, Matrix, and Bob 2 are sitting in a booth in Dot's Diner. Cecil is by the table, wiping out a glass with a dishcloth. As Mike the TV speaks, Enzo looks bored and Matrix raises a hand to signal to Cecil. Cecil turns away. Enzo sees the camera and starts making faces. Matrix beckons to Cecil. Cecil continues wiping out the glass. Matrix stands and points at Cecil.] [dramatic voiceover narration] Enzo Matrix, son of Mainframe's most brilliant scientist or the unwitting pawn of an insane Virus!
[The camera zips from the diner window to Mike the TV, who is standing outside the Diner.
Hello! I'm Mike the TV, and this is Little Brother Virtual Reality TV!
[As Mike speaks, a VidWindow shows a recap of Hexadecimal from the end of "Sacrifice," appearing in viral form, leaning close to Enzo, cackling at the camera, and disappearing into the portal. Her masks fly over a system. Then we see her sitting in front of her artwork in "Painted Windows," changing Enzo's icon, and looking back at Bob from the portal with a tear below her eye. Enzo watches, distraught, then looks sad as Dot speaks to him, then winds up and throws a ball. Above the images the words' FILE FOOTAGE" is superimposed.] FOX-TV
[overdramatic voiceover] Hexadecimal, the self-styled Queen of Chaos, may be gone from Mainframe - but is she gone forever from the Net? Or does her legacy live on, hmm? What exactly did Hex do to Enzo's icon before she made the ultimate sacrifice? Could this unsuspecting little Sprite turn viral at any moment?
[The camera returns to Mike]
[continuing] And just where do we get this footage from?
[The camera goes back to the scene in the Diner. As Mike speaks, Enzo continues making faces. Matrix shouts at Cecil, who is still ignoring him and wiping out a glass. AndrAIa and Bob 2 are trying to calm Matrix down. Matrix makes a threatening neck-slash gesture at Cecil. Cecil throws his towel at Matrix. Matrix chases Cecil out of frame.]
[continuing] Stay tuned! These are just some of the probing questions we will answer on [darts in front of the camera] Little Brother!
[Mike faces two binomes, one carrying a camera and the other holding a boom microphone. He pauses, then turns back.]
Does this aspect ratio make me look fat?
[The camera nome nods. Mike startles. Cecil races by on the other side of the bar and throws his glass at Matrix. Matrix falters briefly, then resumes the chase. The come around the near side again. Bob 2 ducks, his hands over his head. AndrAIa tries to stop Matrix and fails.]

[Dot is in what is presumably her office, or a conference room, pacing on one side of a table while talking to Mouse, who appears on a sideways VidWindow on the other side of the table.]
Ah, they're the same Sprite, but they're not, if you know what I mean.
One looks different, and the other looks the same. Well, uh, not the same, I-I mean looks right. No, not right, original. Ah, that's not right either.
N-no, it ain't. How DO we get these inter-system VidWindows again?
[Dot continues pacing. Mouse watches as she walks back and forth.
Bob is Bob, and Glitch Bob... isn't. But he is. Are you with me?
I-I'm tryin' to be.
Ah, whaddo I do, Mouse?
Well... stand still for a start, you're drivin' me crazy!
[Dot sits in the chair at the head of the table.]
Sorry. Well?
[leaning forward] Well, what did Phong say?
Oh, he was no help! [imitating Phong] Follow your heart, my child. [normal voice] You know what he's like. Basically make up your own mind.
Sounds like good advice.
No one can help you, Dot. It's up to you!
[impatiently] All right, I think you should choose Bob.
But Glitch Bob saved us from Megabyte and-
[interrupting] Okay, choose Glitch Bob!
But, what about Bob? Bob - looks like Bob!
[An alarm bell sounds. Dot looks up.]
Well, sounds like you're busy. [raising an arm] Catch ya later, sugah!
[Dot looks down, disappointed.]

[Phong is looking at a yellow and purple null in a tank. Beside the tank is a VidWindow showing a red wireframe of the null. There is a sound like an energy buildup, then the null jumps and turns spiky, squealing. When it stops it falls to the floor of the tank, making whimpery squeaks. Phong looks at the VidWindow, then at the tank again. Glitch Bob bursts through the door and slides into the room.] SAFE!
Glitch Bob:
Phong, you've gotta split us apart.
[surprised] You and Dot?
Glitch Bob:
You want to split up with Dot. Oh, that will make things easier for her.
Glitch Bob:
No no no, not Dot, Glitch! I-I wanna be with Dot. [looking down] But I think she likes the other guy better. [looking at Phong] So decompile and separate me from Glitch.
So you will look like the other guy.
Glitch Bob:
[smiling] Exactly.
Ah, I cannot do it! We do not have the technology in Mainframe.
Glitch Bob:
I know that, this's never been done before, remember?
Oh, dear.
Glitch Bob:
[walking to a control board] What's the password for the Archive? Maybe I can splice some code together and- [pauses, then turns to Phong] Phong, what is the password? I want YOU.
Password! Ah, yes, I'm, uh, well, it's, um, ah...
Glitch Bob:
Oh, this is great! Now you don't trust me!
Oh, do not be silly!
Glitch Bob:
[pointing accusingly] You don't think I'm the original!
Yes I do!
Glitch Bob:
[angrily] Well then give me the password!
Oh, that, um...
[Phong puts a finger to his mouth and pauses. Then an alarm sounds.]
Oh! An alarm.
Glitch Bob:
[shaking his head] Huh. Saved by the bell.
No no no. That is a klaxon.

[Dot, followed by Slash and Hack, walks onto the upper level of the War Room and goes to a control panel.]
What've you got for me?
[Specky looks up at her from his place at the map table.]
Sir, ma'am, uh, the long-range sensors are picking up game energy. Probable location - Kits!
Clear the sector. Alert Matrix, AndrAIa, and - Bob.
[saluting] Yes, ma'am!
[Specky runs off. Dot turns to face Hack and Slash.]
Hack, Slash.
[Hack and Slash snap to attention.]
Yes sir, mum!
[to Slash] Did you say "mum"? To the MOON, Slash!
Yeah, what?
It is "ma'am." Yes sir ma'am! You called her "mum"!
[firmly] Boys, not another word!
[After a pause, Hack and Slash snap to attention again and salute. Dot turns back to the control panel. The scene with Bob and Phong appears on the main VidWindow.]
[Glitch Bob looks up. Phong turns toward her.]
Ah, Dot!
Oh, hi, Glitch - hi, Bob.
Glitch Bob:
[waving] Hi, Dot. Could you tell Phong-
Sorry, Bob, haven't got time.
[Glitch Bob looks down, hurt.]
This is it, Phong. Hack and Slash will pick up the game code sampler and-
I need to go in the game with it.
What? But you said-
Glitch Bob:
[to Phong] You? Go in a game?
Yes! Yes, the data must be sampled correctly.
O-kay... [She turns to Hack and Slash.] Boys, change that command to four point zero six, escort and return.
Yes, sir!
[Hack and Slash draw back and then collide face-first in their haste to go through the door. They glare at each other for a nano, then turn to the door and smack into each other's shoulders. Dot sighs and rolls her eyes, then shakes her head.]

[Seen from above, AndrAIa, Matrix, Enzo, and Bob 2 are walking in a park. The camera comes down on them. They look up when they hear Hack.]
[Hack and Slash fly close. Slash is holding Phong and Hack is holding the game code sampler.]
[hostile] What're you doing here?!
[Hack and Slash land.]
System Voice:
Warning, incoming game. Warning, incoming game.
[The sky thunders and darkens to purple. Matrix clenches his fists angrily.]
[putting a hand on Matrix's shoulder] I'm sure they'll help, Sparky.
Marvelous. All we need now is Enzo to show up!
[indignantly] That is not even funny! [normally] By the way, where is the young Sprite?
It's okay. Cecil's guarding him. Go play in ze freeway.
[alarmed] Cecil?!
[The camera sweeps along the interior of the diner, which is empty. Cecil is slowly wiping a glass. Seen through the windows, Enzo flies away on his zip board. Cecil turns toward the camera.]
System Voice:
Warning, incoming game. Warning, incoming game.
What am I, a nanny?

[Glitch Bob is sitting at a terminal. Around him are lots of VidWindows with red "Access Denied" and circle-slash images fading in and out over manila folders. A window showing Mouse is open in front of Bob.]
Glitch Bob:
We're the same Sprite, but, but, we're not. D'ya know what I mean?
Oh, believe me, I know, sugar.
Glitch Bob:
Oh, sure, I look different and he looks normal, but that doesn't mean he's the [making quite mark motions with his fingers] original. Whaddayou think, Mouse?
Well.... I think it's a mistake to separate from Glitch. You are what you are. Leave it at that.
Glitch Bob:
I can't. I've gotta try. It might make the difference. I love her, Mouse.
So what are you waitin' for? Go for it!
Glitch Bob:
I-I can't. Phong didn't - or, or wouldn't - give me the password to the Archive. MAME ROMs
Well, I can help you there! [She looks down and moves her arms as if working at a keyboard.] And... you're in!
[All the "access denied" VidWindows close, to be replaced with many more VidWindows showing the inside of the Archive.]
Glitch Bob:
Whoa! I don't know what to say! Thanks, Mouse!
Invite me to the weddin'. You take care, sugah.
[Mouse's VidWindow closes.]
Glitch Bob:
Right. Inventory. What've we got here? [He looks down as if working at the control panel.]

I smell something cooking [Matrix, AndrAIa, Bob 2, Phong, Hack, and Slash are on the top of a stove. They are the size of action figures. As the camera comes down on them they look around.]
Bob 2:
So, have you played this one before, Matrix?
[Matrix looks around the kitchen. Spinning gold coins float in vertical stacks two or three coins high above jars and other items.]
No. AndrAIa? [turns toward AndrAIa]
[hand to her ear, listening hard] The game is in progress... there's fighting... out there!
[The group runs across the counter top to the window. Outside is a cartoony house in cartoony scenery. A cartoony tree is shaking.]
[anxiously] The User's on his way! The game sprites didn't stop it!
[All of Our Heroes are in line, looking out the window, seen from outside.]
Bob 2:
[raising a hand to his icon] Let's do it!
[voiceover, yelling] Bob!
[Bob 2, startled, looks over. Enzo runs across the counter top towards them.]
Oh, I'm gonna offline Cecil when I see 'im.
[sliding to a stop] I just made it in!
Hi, little Sparky. Now you know you shouldn't be in here.
I know. But you left me with Cecil! Have you ever spent any time with Cecil? Rather be nullified in a game.
That's a fair comment. Of all the Users in all the Games...
[Seen through the window behind AndrAIa, a giant Rocky the Rabid Raccoon rises. He smacks against the window as "Psycho" violins play, and then slides down again.]
Oh no!
Not him again!
Bob 2:
But I thought you hadn't played this game.
We haven't! This must be a new version, but we have met the User before! Rocky the Rabid Raccoon.
Let's do it! [double clicking his icon] Reboot!
AndrAIa, Matrix, and Bob 2:

[The scene opens on three small pod chambers like those in the movie "The Fly." Glitch Bob is at a control panel. Above it is a VidWindow showing a schematic in which the three chambers are embedded. He looks intently at it through bizarre glasses with swappable lenses and points using a red laser pen.]
Glitch Bob:
[pointing to the middle pod] I go in here - no, set timer first - ten should do - code triggers-
[The schematic is seen through Glitch Bob's eyes, the glasses creating a weirdly distorted fisheye effect.]
Glitch Bob:
[continuing] - and I, minus Glitch, exit - here. [pointing to the pod on the left] Or...
[Another set of lenses fall over his eyes, magnifying them more. The viewpoint is even more distorted. The red spot of his marker follows circuitlike patterns to the pod on the right.]
Glitch Bob:
[continuing] - here! Glitch ends up where I'm not. Quadrifocals
[He turns away from the control panel to walk to the pods, then reels back dizzily. The viewpoint through his glasses shows the pods, weirdly distorted, the camera swimming back and forth. Bob takes the glasses off, blinks, and shakes his head.]
Glitch Bob:
[determinedly] Let's do it!
[Bob talks to the middle pod. He presses the icon on the keypad. The LED display changes from 00000 to 01010 and the door opens by itself. Bob takes a breath, then climbs in with some difficulty. As the door closes by itself he kneels in the pod. As the camera zooms in on the display it counts down in binary - 00100, 00011, 00010, 00001, 00000 - and then light flares with lightninglike sound effects.]

[In the game, Enzo is now a marionette. His hair is a brown bowl shape, his clothes are sacklike and shapeless, and he has wooden grain painted on his face. He looks at himself and speaks in a stilted fashion, with inflections in all the wrong places.]
What are these things?
Bob 2:
You appear to be some sort of mannikin.
Manikin, [moving about clumsily at the end of his strings] Bad-walker.
[rolling his eyes] Oh, you aren't gonna be any help!
Rocky's searching for a way in. It's time to do it, lover. All dolled up
Okay. Reboot! [double-clicks his icon]
[The green light changes Matrix into Darth Vader with a black-and-white icon.]
[voiceover] Reboot!
[Green light transforms AndrAIa into a streetwalker-ish doll with a fixed grin and Bob 2 into a G.I. Joe. All three look at themselves.]
[to AndrAIa, muffled by his helmet] What happened to Phong and the idiots?
[A cup of yogurt speaks to them. Its mouth is made with its peel-off foil lid.]
[sounding like Frank Oz] Yogurt I am. [clears his throat and speaks normally] I am.
[Hack clears his throat. AndrAIa looks over.]
We're here. BASIC humor
[Hack and Slash are now cans of soda. Hack is a red "Poke" can and Slash is a blue "Peek" can. When they talk their pull tabs move.]
Right in front of you.
Yeah, and... we heard the idiots line.
[Slash nods.]

[The three pods are filled with smoke. As ominous music plays the camera comes in on the one on the left. The door opens by itself. Brightly lit smoke pours out... revealing that the pod is empty. The camera looks over at the middle pod. Smoke pours out of the open door. Coughing, Glitch Bob steps out.]
Glitch Bob:
[coughs] Well, [clears his throat] that didn't work.

[Rocky bursts in through the dog door and looks around.]
Lotta good eatin' in a kitchen!
Kill him, then torture him, then kill him again [He licks his teeth and rubs his hands together. Then he looks up. The camera follows his viewpoint, looking up at the shelves, the table, the counter, and settling on Matrix and Bob 2, who are at the end of the counter. They both jump on the pedal of a trash can. The lid opens, sending a sugar cube sitting on the top flying across the room. It hits the handle of a small door on the wall, which opens. An ironing board falls out and bashes Rocky on the head, three times, knocking him silly. He falls onto the floor. His chin hits the handle of a spoon lying across on a Poke can, catapulting the peanut in its bowl upward. It ricochets off a "Home Sweet Home" picture, cracking the glass, and hits a flour can lying on its side on a high shelf. The can rolls to the opposite end and off. It hits the handle of a pair of scissors, which closes. The window blinds open, hitting a rolling pin on another high shelf and sending it rolling. Rocky gets up woozily. He looks down; his vision is doubled. It resolves itself, and he sees a black line near his feet. Following it, he sees that it loops around a cabinet handle and ends as the electrical cord of an iron on a high shelf. The rolling pin bumps it. It falls, then stops, held up by its cord, before it hits the ground. The cord tautens on the cabinet door, which then flies open, smacking Rocky through the dog door. Seen through the window, a Rocky head-and-crossbones floats up outside.]
Matrix and Bob 2:
[voiceover] Yes!
[Matrix and Bob 2 are standing together. Matrix's arm is around Bob's shoulders.]
Bob 2:
[continuing] One down, two ta go!

That's not Glitch.
[Fade in on a setting that looks like the old "Star Trek" transporter room as we hear a matching musical riff. Bob is standing in one of the spots.]
[pointing to the spot next to himself] Glitch there, [pointing to the next spot over] me there.
[Bob puts his hands stiffly by his sides. He lights up and dissolves into blue static, which disappears. A nano later he reappears, blue static first, on the pad he had intended to. However, a binome in a red Treklike uniform appears on Glitch's pad. The binome is brushing his teeth. The binome and Bob look at each other, startled.]
Ah! S-sorry 'bout that.
[Bob smiles oddly. The binome watches, still brushing his teeth and wearing a blank expression, as Bob walks off.]

[AndrAIa, holding the game code sampling device under one arm, is running in the space between the house walls. She approaches an area where the edge of the game cube cuts off the passageway.]
Perfect this is.
[Seen from above, AndrAIa pants as she puts the sampler down. Phong has been riding on her back, under her hair. He hops down.]
Good. You're certainly not low-fat yogurt. Medusa Sampler
The green button you must press.
[AndrAIa presses a button on the top of the device. Lots of colored tubes snake out, attach themselves to the wall, and start sucking code out. A display on the side of the device shows the code filling it up.]
We need to get back to the game!
Automatic sampler is. Leave it we can.
Why are you talking like that?

[Glitch Bob is slumped over the control board, surrounded by VidWindows showing the inside of the Archive. He pounds on the control panel with one fist. Then he sits up, looks around the VidWindows, then looks down and sighs. He looks up and taps a control. A VidWindow opens in front of him. In it he watches the sequence from "Gigabyte" in which the title character is split back into Megabyte, Hexadecimal, and the Webcreature. He puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully, then gets an "Aha" smile.]

[Rocky runs about on the kitchen floor, dodging utensils, food items, and various other objects thrown from above. He runs under the table. The camera comes up to the counter, from which Matrix and Bob 2 are throwing things. Matrix throws a mustard bottle and Bob throws a ketchup bottle.]
[panting] We can't keep this up!
Bob 2:
[as he throws something] Unh! I'm finished! Unh! [picks up a pineapple] Can't throw another unfeasibly big object! Arms killing me! [throws the pineapple] Unh! [holds up his hands, which are locked in typical "kung fu grip" poses] These hands aren't helping either!
If he gets on the table and eats he'll power up!
[Matrix gestures at the table. Enzo is at the edge, looking around, a hand above his eyes. Hack and Slash are behind him.]
Bob 2:
Oh, then we'll never stop 'im! On a clear day you can see to the refrigerator
[Enzo sees Rocky on the floor below and reacts with alarm. Seen from Enzo's point of view, Rocky, giggling, comes up to the edge of the table and looks up. Matrix and Bob 2 are panting and looking exhausted.]
They're not going to stop him!
We're gonna get nullified!
[Hack cries. A strange, flatulent sound comes from one of the cans.]
Hey, what's that noise?
Oh, sorry 'bout that. I-I was scared.
No, that fizzing noise.
When we shake it feels like we're gonna blow! Heh, blow up, that is, not the thing he did.
Okay, boys, I have got an idea.

[In the War Room, the game cube in on the main VidWindow. The camera pulls back over the control board on the balcony and then between Dot and Specky, who are watching.]
This is the part I hate. The waiting.
Glitch Bob:
[voiceover] Dot!
[Dot turns, surprised. Bob runs over to a control panel beside theirs and taps at it as he speaks.]
Glitch Bob:
I need you to release this tear for me. [pause] There. That should do it.
Where're you going?
Glitch Bob:
Oh, I'm not goin' anywhere, but I'm hopin' to come back, if you know what I mean.
I haven't a clue.
Glitch Bob:
Well, you'll see. I hope. [taps on the control board]
Bob, there's a game in progress. Are you sure this is a good time to be fooling around with-
Glitch Bob:
[interrupting] No time like the present! Anyway, there's Matrix and AndrAIa and - Bob -
[Dot looks surprised and hurt at Glitch Bob's sarcasm.]
Glitch Bob:
[continuing] - they'll win the game, so, y'know, uh, release the tear when I get out there, okay?
[Glitch Bob turns and runs back out. Dot and Specky watch him. Then they look at each other.]
That's not like him.
Not to care about the game?

[Rocky jumps up on a chair, looks around, then peers over the edge of the table. Then he ducks to avoid a mini pod racer made of Hack and Slash, propelled by soda fizz and piloted by Enzo. The pod fly toward the doors.]
Yaaah! Makes more sense here than in the movie
Watch out!
[Enzo pulls up on the "reins" made of his strings. They turn just before hitting the doors.]
To the left!
[They fly beneath the table, threading through the chair and table legs.]
Right! No, the other right!
Don't touch me!
No! That's a stupid idea!
[Rocky watches the "pod" fly across the room, swerve to avoid hitting the door, and arc back across the room. Enzo pulls on the strings. The pod flies up and over the surface of the table and into Rocky's chest, propelling him across the room. It does a vertical loop in the air.]
[The pod stops just before hitting the door, sending Rocky flying out the dog door.]
Woohoo! We did it!
[The "pod" falls abruptly to the floor. Hack and Slash get back to their, uh, feet.]
Whew! [hops into the air as he belches, then says tiredly] I'm empty.
Hmm. But strangely refreshed.
[Hack nods.]

No matter where you go, there you are
[Atop the Principle Office, the subsphere opens. Glitch Bob flies in and shoots energy at a tear. It stabilizes into a portal, apparently to Mainframe.]
Glitch Bob:
Now why didn't I think of this sooner?
[Glitch Bob flies into the portal. The camera pans over to the nearby game cube.]

[The camera travels to a cookie jar. Rocky is straining his arm towards it. In front of him, Bob 2 is holding a light pen and swinging it back and forth with lightsaber-ish sounds. Bob 2 bends down when Rocky snaps at him. AndrAIa and Enzo are beating on Rocky's lower legs, AndrAIa with her purse and Enzo with his fist. Phong hops over to the front of the cookie jar, then tips over, spilling a puddle of strawberry yogurt. There is a thudding sound and the ground shakes. Rocky stiffens, then looks around. Matrix is standing where the neck would be on a roasted turkey, which is marching malevolently forward under his control. Rocky growls. Enzo and AndrAIa flee. The turkey draws one drumstick back and kicks Rocky in the shin.]
OW! Ow! Ooh! Eee! Ow!
[Rocky hops about on one foot. He slips on the yogurt and falls flat on his back.]
Whoa! Whoa!
[Rocky slides across the table on his back and hits his head on the cookie jar. Light shines from within. Rocky shakes his head, then looks up. Bob 2 and Enzo run forward. Bob 2 slips on the yogurt and falls.]
Bob 2:
[Rocky pulls the lid off the jar. Bright light shines onto his face.]
Yumyumyumyumyum! She's not smiling, she's baring her teeth
[He looks to the side, then throws the lid at AndrAIa. She ducks it. The camera comes in on her face as she glares, her left eye twitching, still wearing her forced smile. She growls. Rocky takes a coin out of the cookie jar and holds it out so the camera can get a good look at it. The he lifts it to his face and smacks his lips. He flips the coin high into the air. Enzo gapes, alarmed. It completes its rise and starts to fall. Matrix watches. Rocky opens his mouth as it falls toward him. AndrAIa grunts as she throws her purse. The purse flies into Rocky's mouth. His head snaps down, so the coin bounces off his muzzle. Holding his throat, Rocky gags and chokes. The turkey bumps him off the table like a sumo wrestler. Rocky hits the floor on his back. The purse shoots out of his mouth and lands beside Bob 2. Bob 2 pauses.]
Bob 2:
[mystical voice] Look, use the sauce.
[turning to him] What?
Bob 2:
[pointing] Use the sauce!
Rocky's best side [Enzo nods and makes his way over to a bottle of hot sauce as well as his strings will let him. He swings up against it. It wobbles, then falls on its side and rolls to the edge of the table. Rocky is lying right underneath. Rocky sees it just as it falls, top downward, into his mouth. The level of the sauce in the bottle goes down as Rocky gulps it. He leaps to his feet, the bottle still in his mouth. His eyeballs bulge in stages and smoke comes out of his ears and mouth. Then the bottle bursts out of his mouth as Rocky breathes flame. He covers his mouth. Threads of smoke rise from his nose and there is a noise like a whistling teakettle. He looks around, then sees water dripping from a faucet. He draws back to run for the faucet, then explodes. The glowing head and crossbones rises and disappears into the ceiling. The game cube rises.]
System Voice:
Game over.
[Seen from above, Phong, AndrAIa, Matrix, and Enzo are in the park. Bob 2 runs up to them.]
Bob 2:
[to Enzo] Are you okay?
Yeah! That was supercool!
Bob 2:
Enzo, ya helped save us all. I am so proud of you!
[Enzo grins.]
[giving a thumbs-up] Yeah, that was okay, kid.
Ah, pixelacious!
[walking over to Matrix] High praise indeed! [rubbing the sides of her mouth] I'm never gonna smile again!
I liked your hair, by the way.
[accusingly] You mean you don't like it now? [flinches] Ah!
What is it?
I don't know, but something's not right!
[Camera on the portal into which Glitch Bob flew.]
Glitch Bob:
[voiceover] Glitch! Splitter!
[The portal stretches into a lozenge shape, then snaps back into a sphere. It pulls harder, into a peanut shape, snaps back, then into two connected spheres. When it rebounds it explodes, hurling Bob away. Then Dot watches the explosion on the big VidWindow in the War Room.
[Back to the park.]
What in the Net?
It's Bob! I heard him scream!

A hard man is good to find
[Close-up of Glitch Bob. He looks black and starry, with bits of red and yellow light flickering about, and coated with something glassy. As the camera pulls back from his face we see that he is frozen in a pose very similar to that of Han Solo embedded in carbonite. Dot kneels over him, a hand on his chest and the other around his neck. She stares at him, distraught. Then she looks back. Hack, Slash, Phong, AndrAIa, Matrix, Enzo, and Bob 2 are flying in. They stop in a straight line. Dot pauses, then speaks to them without leaving Glitch Bob's side.]
Bob, get down to the War Room. Contact Turbo. I want a Guardian med team here at once.
[Bob 2 nods and flies away.]
Phong, I need something to stabilize him. Get to it!
[Hack and Slash, holding the sampler and Phong respectively, salute and fly away. AndrAIa flies down to Dot and Glitch Bob.]
Let me try something.
[AndrAIa presses the point of her nail against Glitch Bob's neck. The whole nail breaks off.]
Ah! [as a new nail grows in] What is he covered with? What happened, Dot?
I don't know! I really don't know.
[The sound of a siren grown in the background. Enzo and Matrix watch silently, then look at each other. Dot watches over Glitch Bob, looking all distressed.]
[voiceover] We've got our best Sprites workin' on this, Dot, the best.
[Fade to Dot's office. Turbo, wearing a new red uniform and an icon the size of a tea saucer, is now in the sideways VidWindow. As the camera comes down it reveals that Bob 2 is standing by Dot.] Nice Frisbee, Turbo.
[continuing] I just don't know what made this Bob try such a stupid stunt!
He's been acting... odd for a while now.
Bob 2:
[placing a hand on Dot's shoulder] I don't think my arrival helped.
No, you can't blame yourself.
Bob 2:
But I can't help it. [to Turbo] Turbo, keep us informed. Anything happens-
You'll be the first to know.
[The VidWindow closes.]
Bob 2:
[touching Dot's shoulder briefly] Dot, maybe it would be best if I... left. I can go back to the supercomputer or...
[standing and grabbing him by the shoulders] No! No, please, you must stay. This is your home now, remember?
Bob 2:
But I don't remember! ... Everything. I'm out of place here.
[wide-eyed] But things will work out. [looking down.] They always do. [looks back up at him pleadingly]
Bob 2:
I'm not so sure this time. Check out the body language
[Bob 2 pauses, then looks away, frowning. Dot also looks away and seems to be thinking hard. She looks back at him. He looks at her, then puts on a wistful expression. She looks about to cry for a moment, then she kisses him. She puts her hands on his waist, and he holds her arms, as the camera does a 360 revolution around them. She steps back as soon as the kiss ends.]
[not smiling] Oh, I've missed you so much. You can't go away again. Promise.
Bob 2:
[very seriously.] I promise. I - promise.
[looking unhappy] I love you, Bob. Ah, I've always loved you.
[She leans forward and they kiss briefly.]
Bob 2:
[squinting] Dot, marry me, and we'll be together for all time.
Oh, Bob...
[They kiss again. Fade to black as violins play a chord.]

Story Editors Ian Pearson
Gavin Blair
Phil Mitchell
Starring the Voices of Sharon Alexander
Giacomo Baessato
Michael Benyaer
Kathleen Barr
Michael Benyaer
Garry (sic) Chalk
Ian Corlett
Paul Dobson
Michael Donovan
Scott McNeil
Stevie Vallance
Voice Director Michael Donovan

[B.C. Performers logo]

Production Designer Ken Nicholls
Story Board Artist Rob Jensen
Character Designer Scott Lee
Googs/Graphic Design Peter Ruttan
Production Manager Sharan Wood
Assistant Director Petra Haluska
Modeling Assistant Director Stefanie Boose
Production Coordinator Christopher Fink
Director of Animation Gino Nichele
Supervising Animators Mark Lemon
Senior Animators Conrad Helten
Allen LeCorre
Jiri Licenik
Bea Moritz
Clayton Ryan
Computer Animators Larry Anderson
Chris Buckley
Conrad Helten
Andy Koo
Cathleen Lay
Dave MacLeod
Patrick McNabb
Colleen Morton
Grant Wilson
Jackie Nelson
Graham Silva
Blair Simmons
Alexandra Sydie
Trevor Traub
Christian Varin
Witold Werner
Michael White

Lip Sync Technical Director Jason Osipa
Supervising Modeler Michael John Haslam
Senior Modelers Gerald Lauzé
Jim Su
Modelers Jay Chi
Henry Cho
Richard Lau
Hak Hyung Lee
Greg Lohr
Doug MacKay (sic)
Joel Olmstead
James Stewart
Carl Whiteside
Wayne Wong Chong
Digital Effects Supervisor Michael Mussellam
Digital Effects Animators Anne Davis
Kevin McKibbon
Patrick Parenteau
On-Line Editors Anne Hoerber
Jean Ireland
Off-Line Editor Paul Gill
Video Production Supervisor Jim Corbett
Video Production Technicians Andre Guilbeault
Rudy Koch
Russell Orme
Video Disc Operators Brett Daly
Justin Much
Executive in Charge of Technical Operations Greg Story
Systems Engineers David Algar
Terry Bates
Larry Bodnar
Kevin Elsdon
Jason Hislop
Myles Morse
Curt Odenbach
Executive in Charge of Software Development F. David Fracchia
Software Support Tim Belsher
Gordon Farrell
Stephen Schick
Sonja Struben
YTV Executive Laurinda Shaver Goncalves
Audio Supervisor Marcel Duppereault
Sound Effects Editors Todd Araki
Marcel Duppereault
Jason Fredrickson
Kirk Furniss
Mix Engineers Marcel Duppereault
Todd Araki

Dolby Surround

Foley Artist Ian Mackie
Don Harrison
Mixed at Dick and Rogers
Creative Affairs Dan DiDio
Video Post Production at Mainframe Entertainment Inc.

Vancouver, Canada

A Mainframe Entertainment Production

Produced in Association with YTV

© 2001 Reboot IV Productions Inc.
All rights Reserved

with the assistance of the Canadian Film or Video Tax Credit Program Canadian Television and Cable Production Fund (License Fee Program)
Film Incentive BC

Mainframe Entertainment, Inc.

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Hosted by uCoz