
Written by:

Marv Wolfman

Story by:

Gavin Blair   Ian Pearson
Dan DiDio   Len Wein
Phil Mitchell   Marv Wolfman

Transcribed by: Kim McFarland

[Open on the Web. Fade to the Saucy Mare, silhouetted against a data storm. Then fade toPrincess Bula, who is walking down a passage and carrying a tray above her head with one hand. Party-type noises are heard in the distance. She stops in front of a door.]
Yum yum!
[She kicks the door open and enters.]
[voiceover] Aye, bring on the provisions! We be in a feasting mood this night!
Manners of Henry the 00001000[Two One binomes wearing coconut bras and grass skirts are hula dancing on some barrels. The camera pulls back, showing first Bob and Capacitor, then Weblash, Worpan, various pirates, and Ray Tracer. They are talking, laughing, drinking, eating doughnuts, hammering their mugs on the table, and throwing doughnuts around. A One with a bloodshot eye peers through a bottle, his face distorted by the glass. Two identical Webriders with shieldlike helmets and blue, Spritelike hands sit with a bowl of black, larval-looking things. One is skittering about on the table. A Webrider swats at it. It captures the thing under both hands, then the creature squirms out again. Two pirates, a One and a Zero, crash their mugs together, breaking the Zero's mug. The Zero falls forward, face on the table, and the One falls over backwards. The identical Webriders pantomime something, and appear to be laughing soundlessly. Mr. Christopher and some other pirates are watching them.]
Mr. Christopher:
[stage whispering to Mr. Jimmy] Foul mannered creatures, aren't they?
[Mr. Jimmy belches, startling Mr. Christopher, then falls face forward onto the table. A binome bangs the end of a spoon balanced on the edge of a plate, launching the doughnut on the other end of the spoon into the air. It sails up and falls into the mouth of a binome lying unconscious against the stairs, startling it awake. Miss Sally and another binome laugh. Bob stands and taps his mug with a spoon for attention.]
"To the Captain and crew of the Saucy Mare"
[continuing] The finest bunch of cutthroat binomes who ever sailed the two seas! At least wipe your feet first
[The pirates cheer. Capacitor leaps onto the table.]
A toast! To the Webriders, the ugliest bunch of merciless blaggards I ever had the pleasure of sailing with!
[The pirates cheer. Capacitor quaffs from his mug, and falls over backwards off the table.]
[holding up his mug] To Matrix and AndrAIa, the Sprites who brought us all together!
[The pirates cheer. The identical Webriders raise their arms.]
I'll drink to that!
[Bob drinks from his mug. Cut to a crew binome who is being noisily sick behind a box somewhere outside the galley. He appears to be done, and holds up a green bottle, then has a fresh attack of nausea. The camera pans over to Matrix and AndrAIa, who are standing together, looking at the VidWindows that show the Web outside the shields. AndrAIa turns in his arms to face him.]
What's the matter, lover?
For once, AndrAIa, nothing's the matter. We did it! We found Bob! With Bob around, I know everything's gonna be all right. I can't tell ya how good it is to see him.
Don't tell me, tell him.
That's the problem. I can't. We've been through so much. I've changed. What if he doesn't like what I've become? W-He was - is - my hero.
Come on, let's get back to the party. Two old friends have some catching up to do.

Watch me balance it on my nose
[Open on a wriggling web slug. The camera pulls back, showing that Ray Tracer is holding it over his upturned face. He looks like he is trying to work up enough nerve to swallow the thing.]
Ooooh! [shaking exaggerately] Wiggle!
[stage whispering to Capacitor] Ugh, I never got used to that stuff. It wriggles all the way down.
[Weblash and Worpan are watching Ray.]
"He has guts. I'll give him that"
[Worpan turns to Weblash, who nods.]
"I never got used to the way it wriggles all the way down"
[Ray lowers the squirming thing toward his mouth, then swallows it. Then he makes a choking noise and seizes his throat with both hands, and falls forward onto the table. Bob stares, shocked. The camera approaches Ray, who seems to be unconscious. After a long, tense moment Ray jumps up and waves his arms triumphantly.]
Yeah! All right!
[The pirates laugh. Worpan gestures expansively at Ray, who seems quite proud of himself.]
"You are a warrior. You have Honour"
[Worpan slaps Ray on the back hard enough to send him flying toward the door. Ray ricochets off Matrix, who has just entered. Matrix grabs Gun and points it at Ray. Worpan and Weblash approach. Matrix points the gun at them. Ray holds up his hands, palms outward.]
Handbag... Teakettle... Barbeque"
"What in the web is he talking about??"
"I think he wants us to calm down!" Reality check!
[sternly] Enzo, whaddaya think you're doing? Put that gun down! Now!
[holding out his hand] Come on, mate.
[Matrix hesitates. AndrAIa comes up behind him and pushes his gun arm down.]
Don't worry, Bob, crisis over.
[Bob sighs and lowers his head, relieved, then glares at Matrix.]
I-I didn't mean to! [ashamed] I... just... reacted. I couldn't stop myself. I'm... I'm sorry.
[Matrix turns and leaves. AndrAIa watches him, a pained expression on her face. Then she looks back at Bob, and tilts her head toward where Matrix has gone. Bob's expression softens. He nods.]

[Fade to the deck of the Mare. Pan past chains, barrels of ROM, and boxes of chips, to where Matrix is sitting on some steps, leaning his head on his hand. Bob walks up to him. Matrix looks up.]
[sighs, and looks downward as he speaks] Bob, I'm... I'm so sorry. I wanted you to be proud of me, and I blew it. [looks up at Bob] What've I done? What've I become? [closes his eyes]
Look, you survived the games and brought this crew together and rescued me. I am proud of you, Enzo.
I've done... questionable things.
You did what you had to do. We've all changed, all grown, and now it's time to fight back.
[sarcastically] A lost Guardian and a renegade, and not a keytool between 'em.
And a big job to do, but we'll be okay. The surfer can get us back to Mainframe. We'll deal with Megabyte and then Daemon, together. [holding a hand our] You ready?
[looking at Bob's hand] Yeah. Happyland
[He takes Bob's hand and stands. They start walking, Matrix a few steps behind Bob. Matrix stops.]
[Bob turns back to look at Matrix.]
It's good to see you again.
It's good to see you too - Matrix.
[Matrix looks down, then smiles shyly.]

What's up with the filelocked binome back there?
[Fade to the Saucy Mare flying through the Web toward a tear. Mr. Andrew is speaking to Captain Capacitor through a VidWindow. Beside the window is an inexplicably filelocked binome.]
Mr. Andrew:
Tear in sight, Cap'n. We're approaching the Web address of Mainframe.
Surfer, stand ready to open the portal!
[Ray stands up very unsteadily. The ship jars as if struck. Ray falls. The frame ends up tilted.]
By the code, what was that?
[The viewpoint switches, so Mr. Andrew is now looking at Capacitor through a VidWindow.]
Mr. Andrew, status! Approachin' a giant contact lens!
Mr. Andrew:
Sir, we've triggered some sort of... energy trap!
[Capacitor draws back, surprised. The Saucy Mare approaches the tear, which is now surrounded by a bubble which is being struck on all sides by bolts of electricity from the surrounding Web. Bob, Matrix, and Mr. Andrew look at it in the VidWindow in front of the wheel. They turn around when they hear footsteps. Capacitor, Matrix, AndrAIa, and the Webriders have come up from below. Capacitor gapes at the VidWindow. Mr. Andrew jumps off the wheel to face Capacitor.]
Mr. Andrew:
There's no way out, Cap'n!
The Guardians! This has to be one of their attacks!
[The crew rhubarbs their agreement.]
Crew Member:
[heard among the rhubarb] Yeah, it's the Guardians, all right!
I don't think so, Enzo. This isn't the work of the Guardians. It's not their style. You see-
Mr. Andrew:
[interrupting, pointing to a VidWindow] Cap'n! Look.
[In the VidWindow, energy gathers in a spiral. Capacitor stares. The energy gathers, then shoots in a bolt toward the Mare and strikes the side. The ship shakes. People and objects slide along the deck. The energy arcs along the ship, tearing bits of the Web shielding off. The lighting inside flashes.]
She's overloading!
[The energy bolt continues toward the front of the ship. Then the bolt disappears.]
Mr. Andrew, power down all systems! Take the ship offline!
[Mr. Andrew turns and speaks to a red-mouthed One binome in a VidWindow.]
Mr. Andrew:
You heard the cap'n. Total systems shutdown now! We're here to develop film and kick ASCII
[Mr. Andrew's eye fills the VidWindow as he shouts. The red-mouthed binome rushed over and pulls down a large switch. The light on the Cook binome - who is peeling potatoes - disappears, leaving his eye as the only thing visible in the darkness. The light above the deck shut down in pairs from stern to stem. A binome's hand flips a series of smaller switches up. Red lights come on and illuminate the Cook and the rest of the ship. After the last switch is flipped light comes on above the upper deck, where Capacitor, Mr. Andrew, and the Sprites are. They look around for a few nanoseconds.]
I can see through the shielding. It's gettin' worse out there. The charges are increasing in frequency and strength. We're like rats caught in a trap.
Or mice. That's it! This is one of Mouse's traps! She's the only other Sprite who knew Mainframe's address! She's sealed and protected the location!
Mouse? We mighta stood a chance against the Guardians... but Mouse?
I know. This is bad.
[The Saucy Mare flies slowly toward the energy-barraged shield.]
[continuing] Very bad.

[A Zero crew binome is looking about in the darkness. Lights flashing outside show through the translucent blue section of the web shield on the ship's flank. Seen from outside, bolts of energy flash around the ship. More crew members look at the lightning-like flashes. One bolt strikes the back of the ship, causing bits of the shield to fly off. The crew members rhubarb in alarm as the ship shakes.]
Shiver me templates! The old girl can't take much more of this!
Gotta hand it to Mouse, she really knows her stuff!
That last hit burned out all tracks to the power supply!
Without power we're sittin' ducks!
Maybe we should get out and push.
No, not us, surfer, but the power of the storm itself!
[Ray looks surprised.]
Matrix, I need the help of that eye of yours. Pretty
[Matrix nods, then walks forward. His artificial eye rotates into targeting mode, and the M glows red. Seen from outside, a spiral of energy gathers behind the ship as Matrix narrates.]
Steady... there's a charge approaching... [narrows his eyes] Wait for it... Wait for it!
[The energy condenses and surges forth in a bolt.]
[shouting] Hoist the sails! Brace yourselves! Good thing the energy was aimed right at the sails, huh?
[The sails on the Saucy Mare spring out. The energy hits them squarely from behind. The ship rocks as the energy propels it forward.]
By gar! We'll ride this blasted energy wave clear to Mainframe!
[The energy pushes the Mare toward the shielded tear. Then the light begins shining through holes in the mainsail.]
Mr. Andrew:
The sails, sir! They're overloadin'!
Hold steady, lad!
[The sails are burning through and shredding. The ship flies through the shield. The energy bolt does not follow it through. The ship coasts to a stop, then lists to the side. What's left of the sails fall away, burned to black tatters. Binomes and crates slide around on the deck. The ship floats in place near the tear.]
That's it. We're dead in the Web.
Mr. Christopher:
[looking in his laptop] Back [???] burnt out. Energy sails, burnt out., burned out! The only way to make a profit after this voyage would be to have a fire sale!
[murmuring] There's gotta be a way to get our systems back on line. [to Capacitor] Captain! D'you have the ship's schematics?
[turning] Mr. Christopher! The charts!
[Mr. Christopher startles, then takes a rolled-up, holey piece of paper out of a bin and holds it out to Capacitor. Before Capacitor can take it Matrix grabs it and spreads it out. He holds then ends down with both hands.
Okay, Bob, what's the plan?
[Bob tries vainly to see over Matrix's shoulders.] Do you know how opaque you are, Matrix?
Well, I, uh, uh...
[AndrAIa glares at Matrix, then slaps the back of his shoulder with the palm of her hand. Matrix, surprised, looks up, then back at Bob. Bob waves at him.]
[stepping out of the way] Oh... sorry, Bob.
[Bob steps forward and looks at the paper.]
[to AndrAIa] Well, AndrAIa? D'you think you can get us back online?
Sure. With a little time and a lotta luck. [She points at part of the diagram.] What's that connector for? I-I can't make it out on the dark.
[turning back] Hey, can someone bring a light over here?
[A jingly sound is heard, and the diagram appears to be lit from the back. AndrAIa draws her hand back.] Bonanza
[surprised] Uh... thanks.
[Bob startles. Something that looks like a cluster of glittering lensflares descends to the diagram and burns a hole through it.]
[drawing back] Now what?
Pixels! They're eating through the ship!
[Seen from the outside, a thousand points of light are drifting to the Saucy Mare from all directions. Some have attached themselves to its surface.]
Mr. Andrew:
Cap'n! They're all over us! They're coverin' the Web shields!
By the code! Is there no end to this Web madness?!
[Seen from the outside, the swarm of pixels surrounding the Saucy Mare is thickening. Individual pixels attach themselves to the ship's Web shield and burn through. The first three letters of the Saucy Mare's name are visible through a hole in the shield. Inside, crew members run about, chasing and being chased by pixels. Pixels illuminate the cook, who ignores them in favor of peeling potatoes. Mr. Andrew, at the wheel, swings his sword at a pixel.]
It's no good fighting them in here! We have to stop them before they enter the ship!
[Bob nods to Worpan. Worpan turns and whistles.]
"The Guardian needs us to take the fight outside..." The Big Book of British Smiles
[Worpan, facing two Webriders who have glowing shoulder spikes, nods his head. The two Webriders walk off. As pixels swarm about Matrix lifts a heavy wooden lid off a hatch, then throws it away. Woveran and Worpan, on their mounts, rise out of the hatch. Ray, the blue of his wetsuit glowing, surfs down to them.]
Hold on, boys. Not a party without me!
[Bob nods. He goes over to the hatch and grabs the wheel. When Mr. Andrew speaks Bob turns back toward him.]
Mr. Andrew:
There's no power, sir! I-I can't open it!
What we need is a little brute force!
Stand back.
[Matrix goes to the hatch, spits on his hands, then grips the wheel and grunts as he strains to pull the door open. When it comes open light glows out and things are pulled toward it, as if it was opening onto a vacuum. Worpan flies to the door, then pauses and raises his weapon as he "speaks" to Matrix.]
"You act with honour... there is hope for you yet... warrior"
[Matrix struggles to hold the door open. Worpan flies through. Weblash flies up, and pauses to wave his weapon in salute to Matrix before exiting. Seen from outside the pixel-coated ship, Weblash and the two nameless Webriders fly out with a vaguely motorcycle-like sound effect. Ray surfs up to the door.]
Next time I wanna pick a fight with you, talk me out of it!
Good luck out there! And look after yourself! We need you to open the portal!
[Matrix strains to hold the door open. Ray gives him a thumbs-up, then clicks his belt icon, switches into his Web armor, and flies through the hatch. Matrix releases the door, which crashes closed. Seen from outside, the Webriders fly around the ship, which by now is covered with Christmassy-looking pixels. The Webriders shine blue lights onto the ship as they fly from stem to stern. When the lights touch the pixels, the pixels fly away, leaving the Web shield bare. Ray flies up, crouches on his Surf-Baud, draws glowing hands back, then throws a beam of energy toward the ship. When it strikes the ship it spreads like a liquid, enclosing the Saucy Mare in a translucent blue field that repels the pixels just as the Webriders' lights had. The shield closes over the needlelike prow. Inside the ship the lights come on, and the pixels apparently disappear. Crew members jump up and down and cheer.]
By gar, we're driving those blaggards away! Mr. Andrew, damage report!
Mr. Andrew:
The web shields took most of the damage, Cap'n.
If the shields fail we be goners.
[AndrAIa is at a control center with a boats of unlabeled buttons and a schematic of the Saucy Mare as seen from the top and side.]
We've got the engines back online but I can only give you ten percent power.
Great job, AndrAIa. That's more than enough to get us home. [to Capacitor] Captain! Let's get this ship movin'!
[Capacitor nods, then turns and waves his hook at Mr. Andrew. Mr. Andrew salutes and turns to the wheel.]
[to Matrix] Enzo, signal the surfer! Stabilize the tear!
[saluting] Aye-aye, sir! [He turns and leaves.]
I'm surprised at Mouse. This was almost-
[An explosion shakes the ship and startles Bob.]
-too easy. Alone again, naturally
[The Web environment around the Mare is rippling. A barrier appears to form, just enclosing the Saucy Mare within its boundary. It hits Ray, throwing him back. The glowing blue shield around the Mare disappears, back to front. Two Webriders fly around the barrier and shoot at it uselessly. The Saucy Mare flies forward, toward the tear. Ray watches it leave. Worpan, Weblash, and the other two Webriders are around him.]
I'm sorry, mates. There's nothin' I can do. Wherever you're goin', you're on your own.
[The Saucy Mare, by now definitely behind a barrier, sails away.]

Textures not mapped yet [On a diagram, a force of some kind is pushing the Saucy Mare forward, toward the tear.]
We've thrown everything we've got at the buffer. Nothing gets through!
Mr. Christopher:
We've lost the surfer and the Webriders. The walls of the buffer are pushing us towards the tear! What're we going to do?!
Steady, lad, we've got through worse scrapes than this.
Mr. Andrew:
[looking back from the wheel] No, we haven't.
What we need is a plan.
I always liked to fly by the seat of my pants and leave the planning to... [softly, looking away] Dot.
[Matrix leans sympathetically toward Bob.]
I don't understand, I mean, Mouse designed these traps to keep the Webcreatures out of Mainframe. Why're they attacking us?
I say we ram it! [to Bob] We can use the ship to punch a hole in the wall of this buffer. [to Capacitor] Captain! Have your men power up the engines and take us around the tear. We can build to ramming speed and-
[shouting] Wait!
Bob, don't worry. I've got this one covered. This is a time for brute force. A time to rip open another door.
No! AndrAIa's right. Mouse's traps shouldn't attack us, so wh- [pause] Of course, I must be basic! [smacks his forehead with the palm of his hand] Captain! Tear down the shields!
[Capacitor jumps, startled. He and AndrAIa exchange glances. Other crew members' sounds of surprise can be heard from off camera.]
No way! They protect us from the Web!
Enzo, don't you understand? Don't patronize me, 'Enzo the Smart'
[Matrix puts a hand on Bob's shoulder. Bob glances at it.]
[softly] Bob, you're tired. I told you, I got this covered.
Look, you trusted me when you were younger, I'm asking you to trust me one more time.
But why drop the shields?
Our shields are made outta dead Webcreatures. That's why Mouse's traps keep attacking us!
By the code, Guardian! We'll devolve!
Not if we get through to the Net as soon as they're down!
But without the surfer we have no way of forming a portal!
I know. [looks away] I know.
[Bob hears a strange twittering noise, and looks down at Glitch on his left arm. The wheel is spinning and flashing as it chirps. Matrix, Capacitor, and AndrAIa watch, surprised.]
Yes. Yes, it is possible, but I won't-
[Glitch spins and chirps some more. Bob looks surprised at what he is hearing.]
[sighs] You're right. There is no other way. [to Matrix, AndrAIa, Capacitor, and Christopher] Everyone get back!
[Everyone steps back. Glitch, on Bob's raised arm, is glowing gold, its wheel spinning. It twitters at Bob.]
[to Glitch] You're sure? Holy 4th of July, Batman!
[Glitch chirps some more. Bob smiles gratefully.]
Thank you, old friend. [He closes his eyes and takes a breath.] Glitch! Download!
[Bob poses dramatically. Still twittering, Glitch glows brightly, then separates from Bob's arm. It orbits Bob like a tiny comet. Capacitor's eye spins as he watches. Glitch's orbit speeds up and tilts from horizontal to vertical, surrounding Bob in a white glow. Capacitor's eye and eyeblock look ready to come loose. The glow around Bob brightens suddenly. Matrix and AndrAIa shy away, hands up to protect their faces. The light fades. They look back at Bob with expressions of shock. The camera pans up from Bob's new chain mail boot and armored legs. Matrix stares. The camera continues upward, showing Bob's shiny new silvery armor with golden accents around the beltline, shoulders, and icon. Bob tilts his head back, eyes closed. Mr. Andrew holds his eyepatch up and stares.]
[dramatically] We are now one. [lowers his head and opens his eyes] Let's go home. Home again, home again, jiggety-jig
[Bob takes a breath, then claps his hands together, A golden glow appears between them. He raises his hand. The glow engulfs him, all twinkling and dramatic. He rises from the deck like a marionette being lifted by its strings. Matrix, AndrAIa, and Capacitor watch open-mouthed as he rises toward the overhead Web shield. He stops below the main spine. The glow brightens and spreads to the Web shields. Seen from outside, light breaks through fractures in the Saucy Mare's shields, which explode outward, leaving the ship surrounded by the glittery golden glow. Bob flies out in front of it toward the tear, trailing golden light like a comet tail. He crouches down, then raises his hands, which are glowing white, above his head. He looks up, then throws the glow toward the tear. It spirals around the tear once, then hits it, transforming it into a portal in which Mainframe can be seen. As the voiceover begins Bob flies toward the portal. The saucy Mare, still surrounded by the golden glow, continues forward. The camera comes in on Bob's eye, showing the reflection of Mainframe within. Matrix, AndrAIa, Capacitor, and Mr. Andrew watch in awe, the shifting light throwing moving shadows behind them. The camera comes in on Matrix and AndrAIa. She raises a hand to his chest.] Mmm, honey-dipped Bob
[voiceover] I come from the Net. I search through systems, peoples, and cities for this place, Mainframe. My home. My format: Guardian. To mend and defend.
[Bob flies through the surface of the portal as if it were water. The ship follows him. ReBoot logo closes over the scene.
[voiceover] Reboot!

Directed by J. Falconer and Owen Hurley
Starring the Voices of Sharon Alexander
Kathleen Barr
Long John Baldry
Ian James Corlett
Paul Dobson
Michael Donovan
Donal Gibson
Scott McNeil
Casting by BLT Productions Ltd.
Voice Director Michael Donovan
Story Editor Dan DiDio
Executive Production Design Consultant Brendan McCarthy
Production Design Brian Eun
Anthony Guad
Production Design Consultant Ian Gibson
Design Supervisor Gavin Blair
Associate Producer Judy Slattery
Production Manager B. F. Painter
YTV Executive Laurinda Shaver
Animation Coordinator Jennifer Twiner
Production Secretary Stephanie Seifert
Supervising Animator Ken Scott
Senior Animators Jeff Cappleman
Allen LeCorre
Computer Animators Chris Brawn
Chris Buckley
Steve Chao
Colleen Morton
Eric Murray
Michael Mussellam
Joe Crawford
Paul Lee
Jeremy McCarron
Gino Nichele
Andrew Ogawa
Fernando Pazos
Modeling Director Frank Belina
Supervising Modeller Rak Tafarodi
Modellers Jaroslav Chorny
Michael Faulkner
Alberto C. Garcia
Gideon Hay
Murray McCarron
Mike Towse
Doug MacCay
Jeremy Miller
Leslie Oldham
Rick Scarpitti
Marco Tremblay
Modeling Tracker Donna Maxwell
On-Line Editors Dermot Shane
Anne Hoerber
Off-Line Editor Patrick Carroll
Vice-President Technical Operations Kelly Daniels
Chief Engineer Greg Story
Systems Engineers

Terry Bates
Larry Bodnar
Russ Ptolomey
Vice-President Software Development Chris Welman
Software Development Tim Belsher
Troy Brooks
Michael Dyck
David Fracchia
Rick Glumac
Albert Ho
Tony Pelle
Phil Peterson
David Wong
Software Technical Support Denise Pierre
Eric Torin
Video Production Supervisor Jim Corbett
Video Production Technicians Andre Guilbeault
Jean Ireland
Video Disk Operators Sylvain Blais
Amy Wilding
Corporate Controller Giuliana Bertuzzi, CMA
Production Accountant Jim Pratt
Director of Communications Mairi Welman
Executive Assistants Adria Budd
Colleen Heenan
Alliance Executive Beth Stevenson
Production Assistants William Lee
Bracken New
Jacquie McCarnan
John Nicholson
Christian Varin
Jim Verbicky
Music Composed by Robert Buckley
Sound Effects Supervisor Marcel Duperreault
Sound Effects Editor Jason Fredrickson
Dialogue Editor Kirk Furniss
Dialogue recorded at Pinewood Sound
Waves Sound Recorders, Inc.
Foley, Re-recording & Final Mix at Post Modern Sound
Video Post Production Mainframe Entertainment Inc.
Vice President of Production Glenn Griffiths
Vice President of Operations Phil Mitchell
Director of Operations Gavin Blair

Produced in association with
YTV Canada Inc.

Recorded in Dolby Surround

© 1997 Reboot III Productions Ltd.
All rights Reserved

A Mainframe/Alliance Production

Produced with the participation of:
  • Telefilm Canada
  • The Canada Television and Cable Production Fund License Fee Program
  • British Columbia Film
  • The Independent Production Fund

And with the assistance of the Shaw Children's Programming Initiative and the Government of Canada-Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit Program.

Special thanks to Motorola Transmission Division

Hosted by uCoz