Written by: |
Susan Turner |
Story by: |
Susan Turner |
Transcribed by: Kim McFarland
- [A blue null "looks" at Mainframe from Lost Angles. Then it slithers along
the ruins past other nulls, climbs a wall, and "looks" at the tower of
Hexadecimal's Lair. Fade in on Hexadecimal's looking glass, which shows
brightly flashing blue shapes before revealing The Supercomputer. The camera
pulls back to reveal Hexadecimal seated before the mirror.]
- Oh, look, Michael, Skuzzy, the Supercomputer! [laughs] If only Megabyte
knew how easy it is to find. Well, you know what they say - he got the smarts
but I've got the power!
- [Hexadecimal leans back in her chair and gestures at her looking glass,
which is again flashing blue.]
- Hexadecimal:
- Besides, all he has to do is ask nicely.
- [Hexadecimal laughs maniacally while Mike and Skuzzy look on.]
- Hexadecimal:
- Ah! This bores me! Michael, what have you got for me?
- [Mike the TV jumps and trembles a little. Then a black and white movie
appears in his screen.]
- Mike:
- Coming soon to a VidWindow near you! A Dino Di Horrendous production of
the classic Bride of Frankinome!
- [The title is superimposed on his screen. Then the word CHILL appears.]
- Mike:
- You'll chill at the good doctor's performance.
- Dr. Frankinome:
- [laughs theatrically] Throw the switch, Igor! [laughs]
- [Igor, a lopsided Zero, throws a switch to Dr. Frankinome.]
- Dr. Frankinome:
- Thanks.
- [A silly musical sting plays, and Igor smiles and waves. Then the
Frankinome Monster, lying on the table, begins to come to life.]
- Dr. Frankinome:
- It's compiled! It's compiled! [laughs maniacally]
- [The Frankinome Monster is sitting on the table. The Bride of Frankinome
is looking at him. the word THRILL is superimposed.]
- Mike:
- You'll thrill at the love interest!
- [The Frankinome monster looks around, swinging his feet. The Bride of
Frankinome opens her eye wide, points, and hisses. Then we see a null in a
container held by Dr. Frankinome. The word SPILLS appears.]
- Mike:
- And the spills!
- [Dr. Frankinome drops the container. The null bounces, squealing.]
- Dr. Frankinome:
- Oops! [nervous laughter]
- Hexadecimal:
- [screaming] I've seen this before! [smiling] I liked it. [threateningly]
Show me something else! Or else.
- [Mike shakes, frightened. His screen goes staticky, then shows a binome in
a Valkeyrie costume standing on a stage mountain peak. She sings a brief
phrase, then holds a painful high note. The moon in the background falls off
one of its hinges. Skuzzy's glass dome breaks.]
- Hexadecimal:
- [alarmed] My looking glass! No! No!
- [The looking glass cracks, and then the glass explodes outward. Beyond the
glass is a whirling greyness, with ropy things swirling about. They begin
reaching toward Hexadecimal.]
- Hexadecimal:
- [screaming at Mike] What have you done?!
- [The tentacles seize Hexadecimal. She screams. Mike and Skuzzy, leeping
their eyes on her, slowly back away.]
- [Hack does something towards the camera viewpoint, then waves to the side.
Slash appears behind him. Then a VidWindow with Megabyte appears behind both
of them.]
- Megabyte:
- Hack! Slash!
- Slash:
- He means us.
- [Both turn to face the VidWindow.]
- Hack and Slash:
- Yes, boss!
- Hack:
- Ah, you rang, your hugeness?
- Slash:
- All ready and waiting, oh evil one! Oh! [to Hack] Did I say evil?
- Hack:
- Oh, what a giveaway.
- Slash:
- I said evil once but I think I got away with it.
- Hack:
- Three times!
- Slash:
- What?
- Hack:
- You said it three times!
- Slash:
- What, evil?
- Hack:
- That's four!
- Slash:
- Oh, I hate that.
- Megabyte:
- Silence! Have you fools managed to complete Phase One of the operation?
- Hack:
- Absolutely! Phase One and Phase Two completed!
- Slash:
- And two!
- Hack:
- Sir! [shoves Slash away] I said that already, ya idiot!
- Slash:
- [returning] They're finished!
- Hack:
- They're finished, I told him that.
- Slash:
- You bet, one and two. [wiggles the two fingers he is holding up]
- Hack:
- Oy.
- Megabyte:
- Ah, excellent. Proceed with Phase Three at once. And, um, uh, [leaning
close] remember what happens to those who fail me.
- [The VidWindow closes.]
- Slash:
- Okey-dokey!
- Hack:
- [waving] Ah, yessirree Bob! At once!
- Slash:
- Right away!
- Hack:
- Phase Three it is then!
- Slash:
- [waving his fingers eagerly] Uh, what is Phase Three again, Hack?
- [Both turn to the crib behind them, inside of which are several toys and a
green null. Hack is holding a book, "ABC of Fairtyales".]
- Hack:
- Read him a story and put him to bed.
- [Slash leans forward and wiggles a finger between the wooden bars of the
- Slash:
- Ahh-
- Hack:
- Don't put'cher finger there.
- Slash:
- -cute little fellow.
- [The null seizes his finger, turns yellow, and throbs, as if sucking his
energy. The null squeals, and Slash jerks back.]
- Slash:
- Yeow!
- Hack:
- I toldja.
- [Slash's finger dangles. Hack puts a hand to his face in exasperation.]
- [Five multicolored nulls are in a tank. They "startle" into spiky shapes
when something noisy and presumably painful is done to them. Dot looks away
and raises a face shield.]
- Dot:
- All right, that's not gonna work. Let's move on.
- [There are several null-filled tanks in the room. Enzo and AndrAIa are
standing by one, Dot by another. Bob and Phong are at a control console. Phong
is punching buttons.]
- Bob:
- Okay, Phong, let's try another one. How about ninety-five oh eight.
- AndrAIa:
- I do not understand, Enzo. Nulls are horrible! Why're your friends trying
to help them?
- Enzo:
- AndrAIa, listen. This is what happens to Mainframers when they lose in a
game. These used to be Sprites like you and me.
- AndrAIa:
- All of them? The city is full of nulls!
- Phong:
- Yes, my child. We lost many dear friends before Bob came to Mainframe and
helped us defeat the User.
- [Bob, who has been punching buttons with his middle finger, looks up and
grins when his name is mentioned.]
- AndrAIa:
- Then what is all this for?
- Bob:
- We're testing a theory, AndrAIa. We think that a game retains the basic
encryption of all active players when the User wins. It's called a "saved
game." So if a null is trapped in the game that created it, there's a chance -
a slim chance - that the sprite will be recompiled. And of course, if we then
win the game, the sprite would remain whole and in Mainframe.
- [AndrAIa stares at Bob, utterly baffled.]
- Enzo:
- [to AndrAIa] What he means is, the game that nullified the Sprite can also
bring it back.
- Bob:
- That's what I said.
- AndrAIa:
- [looking at Enzo] He said it better.
- Enzo:
- Thanks, AndrAIa.
- AndrAIa:
- [to Bob] How often do sprites return?
- Dot:
- Well, so far it hasn't happened., mainly due to the fact that nulls avoid
games. So we're looking for some other way to restore them. Not having much
luck, I'm afraid.
- [AndrIAa and Enzo look at the nulls]
- AndrAIa:
- So each of these used to be a real person?
- [Seen from the chaos behind Hexadecimal's shattered mirror, waving
tentacles hold her. She cries and struggles. A creature with tentacles waving
in front of its body come out of a spirographic formation and floats out to
Hexadecimal. It hovers before her face, its spiraling tentacles apparently
hypnotizing her. Then it disappears into her shoulder. A black stain spreads
across her upper body.]
- [In Lost Angles, multicolored nulls suddenly sit up and take notice.]
- [Hack is reading to Nibbles, who is still in the crib. Slash is holding a
Guardian bear out toward Nibbles. The null curls up as if to sleep.]
- Hack:
- And, with the magic golden key she opened the door freeing the Null
- [Nibbles squeals and "looks up."]
- Slash:
- Ahhh, lookit that! He's payin' attention!
- [In the tank, the nulls all squeal and "look" in the same direction.
AndrAIa claps her hands over her ears as if in pain.]
- Bob:
- What's wrong?
- AndrAIa:
- Do you not hear it?
- Dot:
- Hear what? What're you taking about?
- Enzo:
- Look, Dot, Frisket can hear it too!
- [Frisket is looking offscreen and growling.]
- Bob:
- Glitch, scanner.
- [A design appears in Glitch's wheel.]
- Bob:
- These readings don't make any sense. Wait, the signal's getting stronger!
- [The nulls are thrashing about, jerking the tank around as they throw
themselves against the walls.]
- Dot:
- They're going crazy! They're trying to get out!
- Bob:
- Phong?
- Phong:
- [looking at the control console] Hmm, very strange. The signal is being
emitted from Lost Angles!
- Bob:
- Megabyte!
- Enzo:
- Hexadecimal, Bob.
- [AndrAIa put a hand to her mouth to cover a giggle.]
- Bob:
- What? Right, Hexadecimal. Did I say Megabyte?
- [Nibbles is circling around in the crib. Slash is still holding out the
Guardian bear. Nibbles exits the crib between the bars]
- Hack:
- What a good boy! Look, now he's going for a walk!
- [The bots watch as Nibbles slithers away.]
- Slash:
- Uh, what phase number is walking Nibbles?
- Hack:
- Daaah, there is no number for walking Nibbles.
- Slash:
- Oh, that means he just run away.
- Hack:
- Yep, that is right. He run away all right.
- Slash:
- He's gone.
- Hack:
- He is. Look at 'im go.
- [Both bots pause. They look at each other. Then they scream.]
- [Bazillions of nulls are converging on Hexadecimal's Lair.]
- [Mike the TV and Skuzzy back away as Hexadecimal's shadow falls over them.
The camera pans upward, from her feet to her face. She is now all black, with
silver accents and a grey, fanged, evilly grinning mask. She leans forward,
opens her mouth, and hisses and waves a pointy tongue at the camera.]
- Mike:
- [backing away] Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but that's a new look for
you. [laughs nervously] I like it. [gulps]
- [The nulls are climbing the exterior of the Lair.]
- [The nulls are still thrashing in the tank.]
- Dot:
- Phong, I'm gonna release them.
- Phong:
- Yes, my child. But it may be wise to follow them.
- Bob:
- Way ahead of ya, Phong. Dot, Enzo.
- [Bob tosses minimized zip boards to Dot and Enzo.]
- AndrAIa:
- Can I come?
- Bob:
- No, AndrAIa. It'd be better if you stayed with Phong.
- AndrAIa:
- But I can help! I heard the signal before your sensors even picked it up.
- Phong:
- You are not ready for this, child. You do not know the ways of Mainframe.
- Enzo:
- Don't worry, AndrAIa. I'll be back soon.
- AndrAIa:
- Okay, Enzo. You're the Guardian. You know best.
- Enzo:
- C'mon, Frisket!
- [AndrAIa looks adoringly after him as he leaves. Dot, Bob, Frisket, and
Enzo walk out.]
- Bob:
- [to Enzo] You still haven't told her you're not a Guardian?
- [Enzo looks alarmed.]
[Mike and Skuzzy are still standing in
Hexadecimal's shadow.]
- Mike:
- [TV announcer voice] This just in! Media sprite and verminous familiar-
[aside to Skuzzy] nothing personal - [announcer] threatened by strangely
altered Virus! News at-
- [Hexadecimal hisses and waves her tongue.]
- Mike:
- Um - eh - ah - In this final report - AH!
- [Mike dodges as nulls swarm the throne dais, burying Hexadecimal in a
thrashing. blobby mass.]
- [Hack and Slash fly to Lost Angles and land in the open plaza closer to
Mainframe. Their jets retract.]
- Hack:
- [frightened] Oh my! [gulps] Lost Angles!
- Slash:
- Ooh, Hexadecimal! She may see us!
- [Slash taps his shoulder. His blue shell turns iridescent.]
- Hack:
- We had better go into camoufl - g - camou - g - stealth mode!
- [Hack taps his shoulder and gains nullish colors. Slash wheels out of
- Hack:
- Hey! Where have you gone?
- Slash:
- [singsong] I don't like L.A.
- Hack:
- [looking over at Slash] Hey, shush! We - we gotta make no noise.
- Slash:
- Hack:
- I said, SHUUUUUSH!
- [Slash is knocked back by the force of Hack's yell. Hack motions for Slash
to follow him. Both turn and see Mike the TV and Skuzzy. All startle, and Hack
and Slash scream. Mike jumps onto Hack's front and begins yelling.]
- Mike:
- It's coming! It's coming, I tell ya! Backspace for your lives! Run! Run!
Run! And when you've finished, run some more!
- [Mike Shakes Slash as he speaks. Then Hack clears his throat. Mike and
Slash look over.]
- Hack:
- We're lookin' fer a null.
- Slash:
- That's right. Uh, have you seen one?
- [Mike jumps off of Slash.]
- Mike:
- Have I seen one? HAVE I SEEN ONE? That's a joke, right?
- Hack:
- Hey, whaddayou mean, joke?
- Slash:
- Joke. Noun. A thing said or done to cause laughter. Something not in
earnest or ridiculous.
- [Hack and Mike start at Slash and blink.]
- Mike:
- Hack, Slash, it's your lucky day! You were looking for a single null.
Well, what about two million? It's Nullzilla!
- [Mike runs between Hack and Slash, toward the Gilded Gate bridge. Hack and
Slash both gulp.]
- Slash:
- Oh boy.
- [A small swarm of nulls, the same colors as those in the lab tanks,
slithers toward the Gilded Gate Bridge, with Bob, Dot, Enzo, and Frisket
- Bob:
- Just as we expected. They're heading straight for Lost Angles.
- Dot:
- [looking up] Heads up, boys. We've got company.
- [Hack and Slash are flying away from Lost Angles. Mike the TV and Skuzzy
are riding on their backs. Bob, Dot, Frisket, and Enzo stop. Enzo grabs
Frisket around the neck.]
- Bob:
- Enzo, keep Frisket back. Dot, stay frosty.
- [Frisket whines.]
- Enzo:
- Frisket, watch them, but don't eat them. Yet.
- [Hack and Slash come in for a landing on the bridge in front of Our
Heroes. Mike the TV jumps off Hack and kneels on the bridge.]
- Mike:
- Sweet ground! [kisses the bridge] Oh, I love you I love you I love you!
- Bob:
- All right, you guys. What's goin' on?
- Hack:
- [frantically] Ah, Bob, ya gotta help us!
- Slash:
- Yeah, help! We're in big trouble!
- Dot:
- Calm down, you two. What's the problem?
- Hack:
- First of all, we lost a null.
- Slash:
- Yeah! Nibbles!
- Bob:
- You lost Megabyte's pet null, Nibbles? Hoo hoo, boy, are you guys in
- Mike:
- Uh, may I just stop you there? A-heh, thank you. Although, this is a
fascinating story, I feel I must draw your attention to a more pressing
- Bob:
- Really. What's that, Mike?
- Mike:
- [Mike points down the bridge. A giant, roughly humanoid blobby shape made
of nulls is clumsily walking toward them.]
- Bob:
- What in the net?
- Mike:
- [clears his throat] At 23:30 today the nulls of Mainframe mounted an
attack on the Virus Hexadecimal. She was unprepared for the assault and was
easily overcome. The nulls covered her completely, forming the monster this
reporter has named Nullzilla.
- [Frisket is growling.]
- Enzo:
- Cool.
- Dot:
- Enzo, this is serious! Mike, why would they attack her? Hexadecimal
controls the nulls.
- Mike:
- She did, until IT got her.
- Bob:
- It?
- Mike:
- Look, I know it sounds crazy, but something horrible came through her
looking glass, and it got her! And it wasn't Alice.
- Bob:
- And?
- Mike:
- And really changed her, I personally think for the worse.
- Bob:
- And then all the nulls attacked her.
- Mike:
- On the nosie!
- Enzo:
- Uh, guys? Is it time to go see Phong yet?
- [Bob, Dot, Enzo, AndrAIa, Mike, Frisket, and Phong are looking at a
table-like VidWindow displaying Nullzilla. A diagram of the monster is split
in halves and opened, and zooms in on one half showing Hexadecimal within.]
- Phong:
- This is remarkable! The nulls are trying to isolate Hexadecimal from the
rest of Mainframe!
- Dot:
- Why?
- Phong:
- They are protecting us from whatever came out of her mirror.
- Bob:
- But the nulls will eventually drain all of her energy!
- Enzo:
- All right, woohoo! No more Hexadismal equals no more Nullzilla!
- Phong:
- It is not quite that simple, Enzo. Hexadecimal has transfinite power
- Enzo:
- Huh?
- Dot:
- What Phong means is, it will take a long time for the nulls to drain her
energy, and Hex's attempts to break free are devastating the city.
- Bob:
- We can't afford to wait. We've gotta do something now! For Mainframe's
- [Hack and Slash fly up to Nullzilla.]
- Hack:
- Hey, can you see him?
- [Both hover in front of the wall of nulls.]
- Slash:
- Who?
- Hack:
- Slash:
- Oh. Nope, I can't. Oop! [flies upward and points] Wait a minute! There he
- [Nullzilla lashes out at Slash, knocking him into the side of a building.
Hack flies up to where Slash was.]
- Hack:
- That's not him!
- [Bob, Dot, et cetera are still around the table-like VidWindow.]
- Dot:
- Well, we know physical force can't hurt nulls. We'll have to try
- Phong:
- Do not worry. I have prepared something for just such an emergency.
- Bob:
- You're prepared for a giant monster made entirely of nulls stomping around
- Phong:
- That is correct!
- Bob:
- How do you plan for that?
- Phong:
- [shrugs] Ah, lucky guess?
- [Phong turns away. The VidWindow closes.]
- Phong:
- But first, we must get you into your uniforms!
- [Bob and Dot exchange skeptical looks. Dot shrugs. Phong wheels over to a
- Phong:
- F A B!
- [The doorway opens, and Phong wheels into the darkness. Fade in on a
goofy-looking photo of Phong, which is on the wall in an office. Phong is
sitting at a desk, twiddling his thumbs. AndrAIa is standing beside it. Bob,
Dot, Mike, and Frisket are wearing color-coded superhero-ish costumes and
looking at each other in disbelief. Bob is in black, Mike in blue, Dot in
ladybug pink, and Frisket in red. Bob tries to speak, but is muffled by his
helmet. He pulls the part in front of his mouth away.]
- Bob:
- You can't talk in these things! And I feel ridiculous!
- Mike:
- You feel ridiculous?! Look at me! I'm a g-nat! What's a g-nat?
- Dot:
- I dunno, but it suits you.
- Phong:
- I am sorry, but these uniforms are necessary. The helmets will enable you
to control your vehicles.
- Bob:
- What vehicles?
- Dot:
- Hey, where's Enzo?
- [On cue, Enzo - in green - begins leaping back and forth across the
screen, making karate-ish moves and yells. All watch as he bounds around. He
ends up posing on one leg.]
- Phong:
- Ah, grasshopper. There you are.
- Enzo:
- [pants] Sorry.
- [AndrAIa giggles.]
- Phong:
- To your places!
- [The wall pivots, and Enzo disappears. The floor drops out beneath
Frisket. The wall spins behind Bob. The seat Dot is on lowers. The rug Mike is
standing on spins, replacing him with a television.]
- Phong:
- Now all we can do is sit and wait.
- AndrAIa:
- I will stand, if it's all right with you.
- [Bob slides down a purple chute. Dot slides down a pink chute. Enzo slides
down a green chute. Frisket slides down a greenish-yellow chute. Mike bumps
down a blue chute. Tubes lower in a large hangar, depositing Bob, Dot,
Frisket, and Enzo on the ground. Mike's chute drops him with a clunk. All five
look at each other.]
- Bob:
- [unenthusiastically] Okay, let's do it. Black beetle turbo pincer force.
- [Musical sting. A giant black beetle-like vehicle appears.]
- Dot:
- Ladybird accelerator spotted carapace force.
- [Musical sting. A giant ladybug-like vehicle appears.]
- Enzo:
- Grasshopper sig-pulse hopping force!
- [Musical sting. A big grasshopper-like vehicle appears.]
- Frisket:
- Woof woof woof woof woof!
- [Musical sting. A big yellowjacket-like vehicle appears.]
- Mike:
- [unenthusiastically] Gnat slightly annoyed high-pitched buzzing force.
- [High-pitched musical sting. A little bitty gnat-like vehicle appears.]
- [The vehicles start up and fly out in order, the gnat buzzing around after
them. A hangar door opens, and they fly out. View of Bob's cockpit, with the
other four vehicles visible in the background.]
- Bob:
- So, what's the plan, Phong?
- Phong:
- You must get your vehicles up to speed and, using the signal I gave you,
join them together to form a giant robot that will battle Nullzilla!
- Bob:
- You're kidding, right? These form a what?
- Phong:
- A giant robot.
- [The five vehicles try ro align in the air in various ways. None produces
a giant robot.]
- Bob:
- Phong, this is ridiculous! We're never gonna get a robot outta these! They
don't even fit together!
- Phong:
- You must give the signal all at once!
- [The vehicles fly through the air in tight formation.]
- Bob:
- Okay, let's try this again.
- [Their heads appear in front of a giant icon.]
- All:
- Reboot robot entomologizing force!
- [The icon zooms onto the chest of a giant Robot, which is standing in Kits
Sector. Camera closes in on its chest, through a window in which we see Our
- Bob:
- [surprised] Huh! Go figure. All right, let's go kick some null butt!
- [The robot begins thrashing around like a poorly controlled marionette.]
- Bob:
- How d'you work this thing, anyway?
- [Nullzilla is stumbling around Mainframe. Binomes run past a projection of
the monster, screaming and panicking theatrically.]
- [Hack and Slash wheel up on a street. Slash looks at Hack and shrugs. Hack
screams, doing a wild-eyed take. Nullzilla stomps on them both, flattening
- Hack:
- I hate nulls.
- Slash:
- Me too.
- [Nullzilla walks up to Bob's apartment building and bumps against it.]
- Bob:
- [VO] Stomp on my apartment?
- [The camera viewpoint moves, revealing a giant robot standing behind
Nullzilla. Close in on the robot's face.]
- Bob:
- [VO, cont] I don't think so.
- [The robot steps forward and lays its hand on Nullzilla's shoulder. It
goes in up to the wrist. The robot pulls its hand back out. The fingers dangle
limply. Viewpoint shift to the cockpit.]
- Bob:
- This is no good. We're gonna have to try the subway punch.
- [The robot throws a few punches at Nullzilla's "head". It dodges back. The
robot does some foot work, then punches Nullzilla, knocking it back onto Bob's
apartment building. The action is repeated from three camera angles: behind,
above, and in front.]
- Bob:
- Oh no! I just redecorated.
- [Nullzilla gets up and reforms itself, then "spits" the eightball out at
the giant robot. The ball lands at the robot's feet. The robot kicks it back
at Nullzilla, making it spin and fall.]
- [Phong is still at his desk. Bob is speaking to him out of what appears to
be either a small laptop or a large makeup compact.]
- Bob:
- Phong, we're managing to keep it under control but we can't do this
- Phong:
- Use the matic, my son!
- [The giant robot gestures, arms out.]
- Bob:
- [VO] The what?!
- Phong:
- [VO] Use the Disrupro-matic!
- [The giant robot pats itself as if searching its pockets.]
- Bob:
- [VO] What Disrupro-matic?
- [The robot pulls an exaggeratedly feminine pose, with its hips turned,
gesturing from the wrist.]
- Dot:
- [VO] Phong, we haven't got a Disrupro-matic!
- Phong:
- Just a moment, my child!
- [Phong taps a button on his "laptop." He sees the Disrupto-matic - a great
big futuristic war axe - still in the hangar, behind glass.]
- Phong:
- Ohhh, dear.
- [Phong taps the controls again, restoring the view of the cockpit.]
- Phong:
- Try and contain the monster for a little longer. I will get the Matic to
- [Phong looks at AndrAIa.]
- [Nullzilla gets to its "feet" again. The giant robot punches at it in the
style of Rock 'em Sock 'em Robots.]
- Mike:
- And it's a left! And a right! A left! A right! It's amazing! Nullzilla's
withstanding the blows! How much more punishment can it take?! Bob, Dot,
- Enzo:
- Phong:
- Be careful, child! Stay clear of the null monster!
- [AndrAIa, now wearing an orange insectile helmet, is in a cockpit.]
- AndrAIa:
- Do not worry, Phong. I know what I am doing.
- [AndrAIa moves a control stick. The Disrupto-matic bursts out of its glass
case and flies out of the hangar. AndrAIa presses a button. The Matic flies up
out of the ground.]
- [The giant robot, seemingly tired, punches Nullzilla. Nullzilla headbangs
the robot three times, knocking it to the ground. It picks the robot up and
sets it on its feet, then draws way back and headbangs it hard into the
ground. Then it begins leaping up and down on it over and over, its "feet" on
either side of the robot. As the robot jerks, the cockpit bounces. The Matic
flies toward the scene.]
- AndrAIa:
- Hang on, Enzo! I'm coming!
- [The Matic flies down. The robot reaches up and grasps it. The handle
closes and the blade locks into place. The robot throws Nullzilla off.]
- Enzo:
- All right, AndrAIa!
- [The inhabitants of the giant robot's cockpit are visible on a screen in
AndrAIa's control panel. Frisket and Mike wave at her.
- Bob:
- Good work, AndrAIa. Get up here.
- [AndrAIa walks in and stands by Bob.]
- Bob:
- [cont] Take the arm elevator to level fifty-four and follow the signs to
the chest cavity.
- [Bob looks over and sees AndrAIa. He is surprised. She smiles.]
- [The giant robot walks up to Nullzilla. which is still on the ground, and
holds the disrupto-Matic up in both hands. The blade begins spinning. It
lowers the blade into Nullzilla, causing null blobs to go flying everywhere.
Binomes run in all directions. Hack and Slash stand while Nulls fall all about
them. Many hit Hack]
- Hack:
- Dohhh! Ow! D'ooch! Ah! Eeh! Oh, the boss is gonna be back soon! We're
- Slash:
- No we're not! Here he is!
- [He extends a finger toward a nearby peach-colored null. It "bites" him.
- Slash:
- Ow! Ooh! Oh, no, that's not him.
- [Enzo, AndrAIa, Bob, and Dot are now out of the giant robot, still in
their uniforms. Bob is kneeling by Hexadecimal, who is now back to her normal
red coloration and sprawled on the ground.]
- Bob:
- We did it. Thanks to you, AndrAIa.
- Enzo:
- You were awesome, AndrAIa! You really saved out bitmaps!
- [AndrAIa looks pleased and bashful.]
- Dot:
- We make a good team.
- [Hexadecimal, sad-masked, moans and turns onto her back.]
- Bob:
- Glitch, stats.
- Dot:
- How is she, Bob?
- Bob:
- It's strange. She's back to normal. Whatever caused all this is gone.
- Dot:
- Yeah, but where to?
- [Exterior, Silicon Tor. In the interior, Nibbles slithers back into its
crib. Megabyte bends down and picks the null up. It squirms in his grasp.]
- Megabyte:
- Ah, there you are - Father! [He laughs gloatingly, then clears his
throat.] Now, where are those two bumbling fools?
- [The same creature that attacked Hexadecimal burns a hole in the wall of
the Tor and flies toward Megabyte.]
- Megabyte:
- Nooooo - arrgh!
- [Nibbles splats on the ground. As Megabyte's feet - now black and silver -
step in front of it, it rears up, then flees. The camera pans up Megabyte, who
has his fingernail claws extended. Megabyte hisses as the camera, revealing
golden teeth and a long, snaky tongue.]
Directed by |
Ian Pearson |
Executive Creative Consultants |
Ian Pearson Brendan McCarthy |
Story Editor |
Martin Borycki |
Starring the Voices of |
Michael Benayer Kathleen Barr Matthew Sinclair Tony
Jay Shirley Millner Michael Donovan Phil Hayes Gary
Chalk Scott MacNeil Andrea Libman |
Voice Director |
Michael Donovan |
Associate Producer |
Jeanie Lamb |
Casting by |
BLT Productions Inc. |
Executive Production Design Consultant |
Brendan McCarthy |
Production Design |
Gerald J. Lauze |
Production Design Consultant |
Ian Gibson |
Storyboard Supervisor |
James Boshier William Lau |
Supervising Animators |
Gavin Blair Phil Mitchell |
Computer Animators |
Russell Ang Ken Ball Scott Batjes Corey Barnard Frank
Belina Colin Cameron Jeff Cappleman Mabel Chan Stephen
Cooper Andrew Doucette C. Michael Easton Mike Ferraro Andrew
"Spanky" Grant Walter Hsieh Casey Kwan Gerald J. Lauze Mark
Lemon Jonathan Moyes Ezekiel Norton Morgan Ratsoy Mark
Schiemann Mike Skorey Andrew Sokolowsky Scott Spiers Ken
Steel Rak Tafarodi Chris Welman Kent Yu |
Post Production Supervisor |
Glenn Griffiths |
On-Line Editor |
Dermot Shane |
Assistant On-Line Editor |
Anne Hoerber |
Off-Line Editor |
James Boshier |
Assistant Off-Line Editor |
William Lau |
Technical Assistant |
Alden Williams |
Director of Technical Operations |
Kelly Daniels |
Chief Engineer |
Greg Story |
Director of Software Development |
Chris Welman |
Software Development |
Phil Peterson Albert Ho |
Production Manager |
Helen du Toit |
Script Supervisor |
Susan Turner |
Comptroller |
Giuliana Bertuzzi, CMA |
Production Accountant |
Ellie Khabbaz |
Assistant to the Producers |
Sharon Bond |
Production Secretary |
Jennifer Scherer |
Production Assistants |
Barbara Dawson Elizabeth Embling |
Production Runners |
Craig Barnard Barnaby Killam |
Sylvain Blais Dave Small |
Publicist |
Carol Taverner |
Stills Artist |
Colin Raesler |
Music composed by |
Robert Buckley |
Audio Post Facility |
Pinewood Sound |
Sound Effects Editor |
Marcel Duperreault |
Re-Recording Mixers |
Randy Kiss Geoff Turner |
Dialogue recorded at |
Pinewood Sound Buzzy's Recording |
Video Post Production |
Recorded in Stereo Surround |
Production Executives |
Adam Whittaker Josanne B. Lovick |
Executive in charge of Production |
Mark Ralston |
Co-Produced in association with YTV |
With the Support of The Maclean Hunter Television
Fund |
All Rights Reserved Worldwide © (1993) No. 17 Limited
Partnership |
Co-Produced by BLT Productions Ltd. |
Vancouver, British Columbia |
http://www.mainframe.ca/ |
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