Racing the Clock

Written by: Mark Edens Lane Raichert
Story by: Mark Edens Ian Pearson

Transcribed by: Kim McFarland

Icon see you, can you see me?[The camera flies down from above to Dot's Diner. It travels through the closed doors, and is met by a VidWindow displaying a large arrow pointing to the right. The viewpoint turns to the left. Another VidWindow springs open, blocking it and displaying first a red "halt" octagon and hand, then a green hand pointing to the right. The viewpoint turns and goes to the right, moving around to look at the many VidWindows displaying pointing arrows and other messages. It closes in on one booth. A VidWindow in front of it closes, revealing Enzo. Two VidWindows displaying icons float by him. He adjusts their tilt. One of them flashes with a telephone noise.]
[excited] No way! A call!
[A Zero binome appears in the VidWindow. Enzo spins the rim of his ball cap and clears his throat.]
[reciting with a big grin] Enzo's Overwrite Delivery Service. Anyone, anywhere, any time.
[waving] Hi, it's Jean-Luc. Is this Dot's Data Compression Takeout?
[annoyed] No, wrong number.
[The call clicks off. Enzo sighs. Cecil takes one of the VidWindow signs and holds it in front of Enzo.]
Is this a sign of things to come?
[Enzo frowns at Cecil. After a pause, Cecil goes to open the door for Dot. After she walks in he slams it shut in Bob's face and skims away. Dot does not notice. Bob walks in, rubbing his nose, and glares at Cecil. Dot walks to Enzo's booth.]
Hey, Enzo. How's your new delivery service coming along?
[Enzo pulls down a VidWindow behind himself. As he chatters, it displays animated colored charts, multiple images of himself, and "Enzo's Overwrite Delivery Service".]
Oh, great! Just huge! Seriously active. I was written for this format! I'm goin' multi! Quality! Major, even! I'm crunchin' along at high volume 'n proud of it! Call me whenever-
We're glad to hear it.
Yeah. We'll be downstairs if ya need us. Bob's gonna mend a tear that showed up after the last game.
Okay, coolness. [He looks after them as they walk away.] We're talkin' high density here! You'll see! I'm gonna be as successful as you sometime, Dot! [He turns back to the table and sighs.] As soon as I get some orders.

[Camera shot of the Diner exterior, daytime. Then we see Enzo sleeping in the booth, and it's darker outside. A VidWindow rings. The icon changes to a scene of Megabyte sitting on his floating throne, Hack and Slash behind each side. Megabyte's fingers tap on the arm with a solid metallic sound.]
[reciting mechanically] Enzo's Overwrite Delivery Service. Anyone, anywhere, anytime.
[Slash does a take, comes right up to the VidWindow and peers through, then returns to his place behind the throne.]
[Enzo jumps up, startled, the brim of his hat spinning.]
Megabreath?! Uh, I mean, Megabyte?
[examining his nails] I understand, ah, you have a new delivery service.
[As Enzo jabbers, Megabyte breathes deeply, then clenches his fists, clearly not interested in the sales pitch.]
Well, it's not exactly new. If you call 31 nanoseconds new. But it was a way for me to be just like my awesome sister Dot, and also to get to fly around on a zip board making dangerous deliveries to far-off places that-
[interrupting] Enzo!
What a persuasive sales Sprite you are. You've convinced me to use your service for all my deliveries.
[Seen in Megabyte's VidWindow, Enzo comes right up to the window, pushing it toward Megabyte.]
Alphanumeric! You mean it?
[Hack stops the VidWindow's approach with a catcher's mitt labeled "Mainframe Sluggers".]
Oh my!
[Slash holds the window back with another "Mainframe Sluggers" mitt, effectively blocking the image.]
Oh my!
[continuing uninterrupted] All the deliveries for you and your while evil empire?! Whoa, coolness! That must be a lot!
[Hack and Slash extent their arms and push the VidWindow back.]
[continuing] Wait 'til Dot hears about this! Oops - she'll say no. She hates your guts.
Very well. [sighs] I suppose I can always find someone else to process daring deliveries to exotic places...
No no no no no! I-I can do it! I'll just, uh... tell 'er later! Yeah, that's it! DCC
Perhaps. But first I have to see how you handle a test program.
[Hack holds up a gift box. As Enzo speaks, Hack wheels closer to the VidWindow. A smaller window opens in front of him, and he extends an arm through it to shove the Box into Enzo's hands.]
You can count on me. This may be my first afterschool function, but I'll show Dot that I'm big enough to handle - oof!
[Hack returns to his place behind the throne.]
Take this package to Hexadecimal. But whatever you do, don't tell her who sent it.
[conspiratorially] Oh, it's a surprise?
[The camera pulls up and back from Megabyte's throne.]
No problem, Mr. Byte!
[Enzo's image disappears, leaving the VidWindow with the image of Megabyte's frowny. He laughs evilly. Watching him from high above is Skuzzy, whose dome is flashing red.

[Scene: a checkerboard-floored, non-rectilinear corridor. The camera turns a corner and pauses at a door. Cut to what looks like an electrical box on a grey wall, in front of which are stacks of twelve-sided cartons. Three bursts of electricity flickers along the pipes leading into the box, then out the front and into a carton. Cut to Bob and Dot. Bob is looking at Glitch, holding the wheel like a dial. Two pointers extend from the ends of Glitch's bar and wiggle around.]
Any luck?
No... wait!
[Glitch starts beeping rapidly, and the wheel flashes red. The "pointers" both indicate one direction.]
Here it comes...
[The carton that the electrical bursts had gone into shakes, light glowing out of its sides. The shaking becomes more violent and the light glows brighter.]
Watch your eyes! Bright light! Bright light!
[The carton explodes in white light. Both Bob and Dot shield their eyes from the tear that is now floating in front of them.]
Glitch, mend.
[Bob points his left arm at the tear. Glitch's wheel rises up and emits a beam at the tear which surrounds and shrinks it. The tear fades away. Glitch returns to its usual configuration. Bob lowers his arm. Then the sound of footsteps rushing toward them is heard. When Enzo yells, Bob and Dot startle. Enzo runs down the stairs, holding the package up.]
[yelling] Dot! Bob! I did it! [He clears his throat, then speaks more calmly.] I mean, I did it. I received my very first order.
No way!
It's true!
Welp, gotta zip. I wouldn't wanna be late to Hexadecimal's on my first delivery.
[Enzo turns to go. His footsteps recede as the camera goes to Bob and Dot.]
M'kay. Be careful out there.
[There is a long pause while Enzo's statement sinks into Bob and Dot's heads. Then they look at each other in alarm.]
[Enzo steps out of the Diner door and throws down his zip board. It starts out as a yoyo-sized disc, which expands in size and unfolds into two discs connected by a jointed bar. Its spin slows. Enzo stops it with his foot. Dot reaches into frame and yanks Enzo back.
[Dot is posting with a fist on her hip. Bob is standing with arms folded.]
Did you say Hexadecimal?
Yeah. [He yanks his arm out of Dot's grasp.]
Who sent this package?
[evasively] Uh... it was, uh... some guy named, uh... Jean-Luc! Yeah, that's it!
Why would anyone send a package to Hex? What's in it, a bomb?
I don't know! [stage whispering behind his hand] It's a surprise.
Bob & Dot:
A bomb.
Better access what's inside, just to be safe. Glitch, X-ray.
[Glitch's bar extends into a handle, and the wheel runs to the end of that, making it look like a giant magnifying glass. As Bob speaks the view of the package below changes, showing first a shadowy image of the interior, then stripping the top of the box off, then the showing white portions of the mask without the box, then the mask's wireframe, then the mask by itself. In its forehead is a display with the number 30.]
Looks like a mask... with a clock in it. X-ray specs DO work!
[Cut to Bob and Dot looking at Glitch. Their wireframes are visible through Glitch's wheel.]
I wonder if there's a market for something like that?
[Enzo snatches the package away.]
See? It's not a bomb! Can I go now?
Enzo, I can't let you go to Hexadecimal's island.
[working up a head of steam] Huh? Oh, sure! I know what your problem is! You don't want the competition! You don't want me to succeed! Enzo's the little brother format and Dot's the big businesswoman who-
[Dot stops him by placing a finger on his mouth.]
[firmly] No, Enzo. It's too dangerous.
She's right, Lost Angles is no place for a little Sprite like you.
[Bob jerks back, and we hear a sound as if Enzo has thumped Bob.]
Hey! You're supposed to be on my side. [discouraged] My business is doomed. End of file. Log off. I give up. I'll never be as cool as Dot.
Oh, compile up. Act your age! There's a simple solution to every problem. [She takes the package from Enzo and hands it to Bob.] Bob, you deliver the package, just this once. Enzo, you continue your business and don't quit file so easily. [She walks back to the Diner.] And make it snappy, Bob, we've got more fixes left in here.
[Bob and Enzo stare after Dot. Enzo's mouth is hanging open.]
[sighs] How does she do that?
What? Get everyone else to do all the work?
Don't ask me. I've been trying to figure that one out forever!

[Interior, Hexadecimal's throne room. The camera comes in on her, past masks with different expressions. Hexadecimal is sitting on her throne, her face in shadow. Green eyes glow out of blackness as she regards the two masks in her hands. As she speaks she puts on one of the masks - a wide-mouthed smile - and the spotlight moves to light her up.
So many moods, so little time. [She crosses her legs and sighs.]
[Skuzzy wheels in and looks up at her.]
[affectionately] Skuzzy! [indignantly] How dare you interrupt me when I'm putting on my face!
[A hole opens up under Skuzzy. He looks down, then drops, trackball first, then lower jaw, body, and head globe. The segments fall toward the Energy Sea.]
I shouldn't've done that. I was glad to see him.
[Hexadecimal waves an arm. The trackball halts just above the surface of the Energy Sea. The other segments land in formation, reassembling him. Then he rises back into the Lair.]
How good to see you, Skuzzy.
[Skuzzy turns toward Hexadecimal and flies toward her, tail wagging.]
[continuing] What have you got for me?
[Floating above her lap, Skuzzy tips forward to turn his head globe toward her. An image ripples into shape. In it, seen from above, Megabyte talks to Hack and Slash. The camera closes in on the mask inside the gift box that Hack is holding.]
A delete command, masked as a mask. She'll never know what erased her.
[The camera pulls back. A VidWindow appears in front of Megabyte. It shows two "mug shots" and a rotating full-body image of Enzo. The camera closes in on the VidWindow.]
[continuing] Now all I need is some unsuspecting fool to deliver it... like this poor boy.
Delete me, will he? Time to calculate a little surprise for our dear Megabyte.
[Skuzzy wiggles and makes eager noises. The camera pulls away from Hexadecimal.]
I'll delete him and his delivery boy too.
[Hexadecimal raises her hands and laughs. The spotlight throws her shadow up onto the wall of the Lair. Then the camera pulls back through the dome to show the Lair's exterior and, surrounding it, the chessboard-like Lost Angles.]

[Open on Lost Angles, seen from above the other side of the Gilded Gate Bridge. The viewpoint lowers to the ground level as Bob zip-boards down the bridge. Enzo, also on a zip board, lowers into frame, facing the camera.]
[sighs] This is the way it always goes. I miss all the cool stuff!
[Bob flies just over the ground in Lost Angles. The cityscape is in ruins. He flies under a building like the Arc de Triomphe decorated with images of Hexadecimal, and disappears in an electrical burst. Hexadecimal's laughter echoes faintly in the background as the camera backs up and looks around, searching for Bob. He appears far down the street, upside down, flying toward the camera.]
[still facing away from Lost Angles] See? Well, if I can't make the delivery, I can always watch! Ten points for the trick
[He turns and flies down the bridge. Bob, still flying along, spins a few times and finally gets himself rightside-up. As he speaks he slows and turns in an arc to fly back the way he came.]
Why do I always get lost in Lost Angles?
[Enzo, now in Lost Angles, flies away from the bridge. Squealing nulls chase after Bob as he flies down the street.]
There's nothin' worse than havin' to ask a null for directions.
[The nulls continue chasing Bob. Then a giant bomb falls onto the street before Bob. Bob backs up against it, away from the nulls.]
[alarmed] Well, almost nothing!
[The nulls close in on him.]
Go on, shoo! Find someone else's energy to eat! Out of all the sectors in all the systems, you come into mine
[A hole opens up in the ground below Bob. He falls in with a yell, and it closes up again. Bob slides down a curved tunnel lined with one-and-zero designs. He emerges in one of the entrances on the walls of Hex's Lair, slides down the chute leading to the throne dais, is launched into the air, and lands on his feet on the dais. Hex's mask floats in behind him.]
[She appears behind her mask.]
[As she speaks she walks down off her throne platform slowly and with exaggerated hip swaying and arm movements.]
I didn't expect it to be... you.
Well, I'm sorry, but I've always been me. [He holds the package up] I have a package for you. Enzo's Overwrite Delivery.
[She walks up to him and touches his hair.]
A package? For me? [She puts her hands on his shoulders.] Whatever could it be? [She suddenly draws a hand up and smashes the package, shattering the box, then takes the mask that had been inside. She speaks as if surprised.] A mask! What a shame, I already have one. [She presses it against his chest as she speaks.] You'll have to return it to Megabyte - with my regrets. [She pushes him away with one finger.] It was great when it all began
Megabyte sent this? [He holds the mask back out to her.] You know, returning things really isn't part of my function. Have a good one!
[Bob turns to leave. Hexadecimal meets him from the other side and presses the mask onto his face.]
I said, take it back!
[Bob, muffled by the mask, tries to pull it off. Hexadecimal telekinetically lifts him and throws him out one of the exits. On the city's surface, a pucker opens under Enzo. With a yelp he flies to the side. Bob flies out of the hole and into the air.]
[looking up] Uh... Bob? [He looks down at the hole, which is starting to close.] This must be Hexadecimal's ... hole in the ground.
[He flies over it as it is about to close and jumps off his Zip board. It gets stuck in the hole, holding it open. Enzo lands on his hands and knees beside it. He listens to Hexadecimal, whose voice carries through the passageway with remarkable clarity. As Hexadecimal speaks the camera closes in on Enzo's expression of horror.]
Bob should get to Megabyte's tower just as the clock reaches zero.
[Hex turns and struts up to her throne. As she speaks Skuzzy wheels up.]
Oh, I'd like to see Megabyte's face when his own time delete bomb goes off!
[Skuzzy tips forward and an image of Megabyte appears in his head globe. He points at it with his tail.]
I don't want to see it now!
[She waves an arm. Again the ground opens up under Skuzzy and he falls, body first, then head globe. Hexadecimal's cape folds in with a click like the wings of an insect, and she sits on her throne.]
How diabolical of him, to hide a delete command in a harmless mask. I wish I'd thought of it.
[speaking right into the camera] Dude! Bob's in major trouble, and it's all my fault! AAAAAAAAAA!

[Outside of Dot's Diner, Dot is looking up.]
[Bob is flying overhead, still trying to pull the mask off.]
[continuing] That looks just like Bob. We DO have furniture, you know.
[She turns, then holds up her hand as the camera's viewpoint runs up to her.]
No! Stop!
[Enzo tackles her, knocking her to the ground. He kneels over her as she shakes her head woozily.]
[jabbering frantically] We've gotta warn Bob that the mask he's delivering is really a bomb from Megabyte and I didn't want to tell you it was from him 'cause you never let me input anything exciting, but I didn't know it was gonna get Bob in trouble and now he's going to Megabyte's and gonna blow up any nanosecond if we don't-]
[Dot stops him by pressing one finger over his lips.]
Enzo! Enzo, slow down! Now let me get this straight. The package-
[Enzo nods.]
From Megabyte?
[Enzo nods.]
Is a bomb?
[Enzo nods.]
And Bob... has no idea.
[Enzo shakes his head.]
I see what you mean. We've gotta warn Bob! While there's still a Bob to warn.

[Bob, still trying to pull the mask off, his voice still muffled by it, flies in a very flat trajectory toward the Tor. He finally pulls the mask off his face.]
Deliver a package to Megabyte, from Hexadecimal? I don't think so. [He raises his left arm.] Glitch! Rotor!
[Glitch's wheel extends on the rod and extrudes three helicopterlike blades. They spin, halting Bob's progress toward the Tor very abruptly. Enzo and Dot are zip-boarding along. Enzo points.]
There he is!
Thank goodness he's slowed down!
[An alarm sounds and the sky turns purple.]
Oh no! Not now!
[The circuitry patters flash several times in the stormy sky. Scared binomes stand about looking up while others run about. Vehicles fly in all directions. The sky flashes with what looks like heat lightning. Binomes run. A ripple appears in the sky.]
System Voice:
Warning, incoming game. Warning, incoming game.
[A hole appears in the sky. Lights flare in it. Bob looks up. Dot and Enzo look from Bob to the hole in the sky. A game cube begins descending. Bob puts the rotor in front of him and flies toward the cube.]
He's steering towards the game!
He would!
[Bob flies down, under the game cube's edge.]
System Voice:
Warning, incoming game. Warning, incoming game.
[Dot and Enzo fly toward the cube's bottom edge. It comes down in front of them. They stop in front of it.]
Cursors 'n crashes! We lost him!
Maybe not. C'mon!
[Dot takes Enzo's hand and tows him along as she flies straight down, racing the game cube to the surface.]
[yelling] AAAAAAAAAAA!
[They fly straight down, then under the edge of the cube just as it touches down. It flickers and solidifies. The sky returns to its normal blue.]
Dot! You almost got us erased! Deleted! Offlined! Can we do it again?
[amused] Maybe later, you nut. [She looks around] Now we gotta find Bob.
Oh, yeah.

[A racetrack is seen from above and at a distance. Two announcers can be heard through the loudspeakers. They interrupt each other.]
Ha ha! Good to see ya again, Gary.
Good to see you, Earl.
Certainly is a balmy-
Wonderful day.
-sixty-five degrees.
Heh! Shut up and race. Hup two three four
[Bob is standing on the racing field, hands on his hips. He still has the mask in one hand.]
Looks like Formula One. [He looks down at some binomes and laughs.] Good thing we know the formula!
[The binomes zip into formation, in lines on the racetrack behind Bob.]
[double-clicking his icon] Reboot!
[He looks up and grins as green light comes down on him. He ends up in a yellow racecar. The mask is on the hood. The light comes down on pairs of binomes - each pair a Zero in front of a One - putting them in other race cars. The light gives another Zero a flag and cap, and another One a headphones and microphone setup. A white car with a sharklike face painted on the side appears at the front. Its cockpit is empty, and on the side is painted three crossed-out racecars.]
And the white car in the pole position, car number five, the User car.
[Bob gives a thumbs-up to the binome in the car beside him. The binome returns the gesture.]
Gentlemen, start your engines!
[The camera dives into the User car's cockpit. The icon of a key lights up, and the pedals move by themselves as the engine revs. Bob looks around, then pushes the button under the key icon on his dashboard to start his engine. A seatbelt fastens itself over him. He presses the gas pedal, revving the engine. The car vibrates. A One binome kicks the Zero who is crouching over the pedals. The Zero pushes the gas pedal with his hand to rev the engine. A Zero raises the flag. Closeup of a One's eye narrowing, the shark face on the User's car, and Bob's eyes narrowing. The cars start forward. Bob's car fishtails as others pass him. He finally gets going, in last place. Dot and Enzo run onto the racetrack.]
Dot & Enzo:
Bob's racing against the clock. And the clock's gonna win! You know what this means, Enzo.
Oh boy, do I.
Dot & Enzo:
[The green light puts them in race cars. Dot's car and uniform are red and black; Enzo's are red, white, and blue.]
[They take off - Dot straight forward, and Enzo straight backward. Pause a beat.]
[Enzo drives forward.]
Dot! Wait up!
[The cars go down the track. Bob weaves in and out of traffic, speaking as he does.]
[flippantly] Excuse me. Pardon me. Thank you. Don't mind me, I'm just takin' the lead.
[Bob approaches a curve. Two cars - a green one and the User - zoom past him. forcing him to the side.]
Whoa! Of course, I could be wrong!
[The User's car comes up beside the binome's car, then swerves to hit it in the side. A second hit sends the car tumbling and the One inside flying out. Bob drives under the car just as it bounces overhead. He swerves and steps hard on the brake pedal.]
This is Formula One, not bumper cars!
[The car swerves around on the track, wheels squeaking, before Bob regains control and stops.]
I hate when that happens.
[A One binome holding a steering wheel falls out of the sky and lands on the racetrack. It bounces on its hindblock, then shakes its eyeblock. Its eye bugs and it points at the oncoming cars. Bob looks and sees the cars coming right at him.]
[yelling] AAAAAAAAAAA!
[He puts his arms up over his face. The cars stream past him on either side.]
[looking behind himself to where the cars went] That was close.
[He looks forward. His eyes widen. Another car is coming straight at him.]
Oh, no you don't.
[He grins and pulls a lever on the side of the steering wheel forward. When he steps on the gas, he starts going backward. He spins the wheel, turning his car around, and then starts driving forward. On the car's hood, the number in the mask's forehead changes from 7 to 6 with a beep. The camera viewpoint goes by a binome who is holding up an upside-down sign sating "81st PLACE".]
Eighteenth place? man, I'm really back here! Of course, that's what nitros are for.
[Bob hits the red icon in the center of his steering wheel with his fist. Fire burns at the back of his car. The front pops off the ground as he zooms forward, in an empty lane between the other cars. The camera shows the User car's shark face. A radar-like display clears and shows Bob's car approaching. A display on the other side of the odometer showing a ramp lights up. A ramp rises in the track right after the User's car drives past. The camera's viewpoint moves up through the empty lane between binomes' cars.]
[grinning widely] Major!
[The camera pulls back, showing Dot in the car beside him.]
Enzo, how'd he do that?
[pointing] Nitros! push the button on your steering wheel!
[Enzo's finger taps the nitro button, and his car speeds out of frame.]
[Dot presses her nitro with the flat of her hand. Flame comes out of a jet behind her car. Both cars rise onto their hind wheels and speed forward.]
Dot & Enzo:
[The cars round a turn in the track. Dot pulls up beside and slightly behind Bob.]
[yelling] Your car is a bomb!
You're tellin' me! It only comes with one nitro!
[As Dot yells, they both approach the ramp.]
No! The mask was really-
[Dot's car goes over the ramp and flies high into the air.]
[watching it] Cool!
[Bob looks to the sides, surprised. A gateway rises out of the road. On the top is a number 2. As the cars pass through it they are transformed into hovercars. They go through a very curvy track.]
Oh, she made it to level two. Let's see who gets to level three! Belt up
[Dot's car is stuck on the top of a tent. Enzo's hovercar pulls up beside it. She slides down into the back seat.]
[Dot's legs stick up. She rights herself.]
You okay, Dot?
[rubbing her rear] Fine, just go! We're Bob's only hope!
[Enzo backs out of frame.] When the car pulls back on, Dot is in the driver's seat and Enzo is in the back. Bob and the User go over a ramp. The timer on the mask beeps and goes to 5. Dot and Enzo's hovercar slows beside the track.]
[pointing] There they are!
[Dot steers the car across the grass. The hovercars speed past. Dot and Enzo join them. Bob and the User race through the very curvy track. The cars collide and bounce off each other. Objects begin spewing out of the back of the User's vehicle. Bob sees them as he nears them.]
Minefield! Slalom!
[Bob swoops the car from side to side, going up onto the walls to avoid the mines. The binomes' hovercars follow. Close-up of a One's eye, wide open. When the cars go through the minefield they hit the mines and explode, sending the binomes flying.]
[yelling] Brakes!
No time! We'll take the high road!
[She steers the car onto the sidewall and over the top, doing a complete loop. The binome car in front of them hits a mine and explodes.]
No way, Dot!
[looking back] It's all in the reflexes.
[Enzo points ahead. The car hits a mine. Dot and Enzo go flying over the wall of the track.]
Dot & Enzo:
[The timer on the mask changes to 4. A gateway rises from the track. As they pass through it, the User's and Bob's hovercars turn into airships. Bob's scrapes the track a bit before getting into the air. Bob goes through a spiked hoop, then does an overhead loop and passes through it again. Seen from Bob's POV, he follows the track at high speed. Loops grow out of the track; Bob and the User follow their path.]
You haven't lost me yet.
[Bob's ship passes over Dot and Enzo, who are standing right in the middle of the track. They wave at him.]
Dot & Enzo:
[yelling] Bob!
[The timer on the mask shows a 3.]
Now what? There's gotta be a way to access Bob's attention before he's deleted! Oh, it's all my fault, if only I'd copied and pasted the truth at the start he would never be-
[Dot lays a hand on his shoulder.]
Enzo, I think I have an idea.
[The timer on the mask goes to 2. The airships fly through spiked hoops and a tunnel, then another hoop. Then we see red and white tires stacked to form a wall.]
[voiceover] This should get his attention.
[A truck horn sounds. The truck, driven by Dot, crashes through the wall of tires. The airships follow the track, Bob just behind the User. Cut back and forth between various angles of the airships and the truck, which are traveling toward each other. The mask timer goes to 1.]
Now, Enzo!
[Enzo pulls a lever back. The tank that the truck was pulling detaches from the cab. It skids on its side, rolls, and comes to a stop across the track. Bob sees it and gasps.] Singular sensation
[gasps] Glitch!
[The airships approach the tank. The mask's timer goes to 0. The mask explodes right over the tank, taking the User's ship and the tank with it and creating a blue tearlike disturbance. Dot and Enzo watch through the truck's windshield.]
[distraught] Bob!
[shocked] Dude... no way! Bob! Er... don't you wanna run or something?
[The disturbance flares blue in a purple haze, then shrinks into a smaller, white sphere. Dot and Enzo stand right in front of the dangerous thing. They lean together sadly.]
System Voice:
Warning, game corruption.
[Bob's helmet falls behind Dot and Enzo. Enzo sees it, then looks up and points at Bob, who is rotoring down to the ground.]
Yes! Bob, you're okay!
[Bob lands and points at the sphere.]
Not good. This is not good! It's an infinite data else-if loop.
Hmf, what's that mean?
It means, [yelling] run like you've never run before! No second takes
[Enzo takes off running. Dot does to, then Bob. The loop expands in stages, each time sending off a shock wave. Then it shrinks into a white light and flattens. The shock waves expanding from it tear the scenery apart. The stands fly apart into pieces, which are sucked into the loop. Unrebooted binomes flee. A fire truck begins sliding toward the loop. It hits a wall in the center of the track, tumbles into the air, and shreds as it falls into the loop. Other pieces of scenery fly by, sucked toward the loop. A Zero binome holds onto part of a spiked hoop with one hand. He loses his grip and goes flying. Bob, standing with Dot and Enzo on the leeward side of something, catches him and pulls him to safety. The Zero smiles up gratefully. Bob grins back briefly, then looks back at the loop. It is sucking more flying matter in. A shock wave hits the sky above it. The background begins to deform, pulling the sky in toward a point above the loop, then down into it. The landscape darkens and another shock wave spreads. Seen from outside, a white light shines out of the center of the cube. The cube begins softening and deforming, its color shifting to dark greys. It shrinks, releasing the buildings it covered unharmed. It turns black and white and the light disappears. Its center is on the top of a building. A shock wave expands from it. As it shrinks its border passes through Bob, Dot, Enzo, and some binomes, releasing them. It shrinks to a point, then disappears with a final explosion. Then, suddenly, the characters are back on ground level.]
[shaking his head] Whew!
[Bob holds up his hands just as Enzo tackles him to the ground. Dot watches as Enzo sits on Bob and jabbers.] Male bonding. No girls allowed!
Megabyte hid a delete command in the mask just like you said, only you didn't know it 'cause I should've copied and pasted the truth from the start, but will you ever forgive me for inputting you in so much-
[Enzo frowns at being interrupted and turns back to Dot.]
Dot! Bob and I are sharing in camaraderie after the game.
[Bob grins and waggles his head. Dot grins, shaking her head.]

[Bob and Dot walk to Dot's Diner.]
You risked your life to come into the game and save me!
[Cecil sees them, and goes to the door.]
Well, I couldn't let anything happen to you.
You couldn't?
[Dot stops in front of the door.]
No. Enzo would've blamed himself for it.
[dismayed] Oh. But, Dot-
[Bob walks in after Dot. Enzo is a bit behind them. A VidWindow opens in front of him so close that he walks into it. It shows first Megabyte's frowny, then Megabyte himself.]
Enzo, you failed me completely!
Why, thank you!
You're fired!
[pretending to be upset] Oh, you know, I'm so disappointed!
[Cut to a view from behind Megabyte's throne.]
I have found someone else to deliver my packages.
[He pushes a button on the arm of his chair. The VidWindow closes. His throne turns. Hack and Slash are holding something large above their heads. The camera backs away, revealing that it is a giant bomb. As ever, Hack and Slash interrupt each other. They are so confused that they have either switched voices or paint jobs, as the red one's voicelight flashes when the bass voice speaks, and the blue one's light flashes when the tenor voice speaks.]
Hexadecimal said-
Yeah, Hexadecimal said-
She said, she said she-
She said she already had one.
She said she already had-
She had one.
She said she already had one.
She had one.
I said that. Foreshadowing
I know.
[Seen from outside, a fiery explosion blows the lid off the top of the Tor.]
[furiously] Hack! Slash!
I think he means us.
[The lid falls back onto the Tor.]

Directed by Zondag Entertainment
Executive Creative Consultants Ian Pearson
Story Editor Lane Raichert
Starring the Voices of Michael Benyaer (sic)
Kathleen Barr
Jesse Moss
Tony Jay
Shirley Millner
Michael Donovan
Phil Hayes
Gary Chalk
Voice Director Andrea Romano
Casting by BLT Productions Inc
 Talent Coordinators .Gail Fabrey
Jennifer Wilson
Production Design Consultant Brendan McCarthy
Ian Gibson
Production Design Chris Bartleman
Production Design Consultant Ian Gibson
Storyboard Supervision Blair Peters
Gerald J. Lauze
Supervising Animator Phil Mitchell
Senior Computer Animators Gavin Blair
James Hayward
Andrew "Spanky" Grant
Andrew Doucette
Ken Ball
Assistant Computer Animators Mark Lemon
Scott Speirs
Mike Skorry
Ezekiel Norton
Gerald J. Lauze
Adam Wood
Ken Steel
Morgan Ratsoy
Production Manager Jesse Fawcett
Script Supervisor Susan Turner
Editor James Boshier
Director of Technical Operations Kelly Daniels
Post Production Supervisor Chris Gibbons
Technical Assistant William Lau
Software Development Chris Welman
Assistant to the Producers Warren Low
Production Assistants Colin Raesler
Troy Chard
Production Accountant Giuliana Bertuzzi
Music Supervisor Robert Buckley
Dialogue recorded at Uptown Studios
Supervising Sound Engineer Roger Monk, C.A.S.
Sound Effects Editor Marcel Duperreault
Audio Post Production Dick & Roger's Sound Studio Ltd.
Video Post Production SFX MAINFRAME Ltd.
Vancouver, Canada
Recorded in Stereo Surround
Production Executives Adam Whittaker
Josanne B. Lovick

Co-Produced in association with YTV

All Rights Reserved Worldwide
© ATFL (1991) III Limited Partnership


Co-Produced by
BLT Productions Ltd.

Vancouver, British Columbia
